
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Two new Homesteads 03/12/19

            It was the first day of, “Spring break”. I think spring is broke, because it wasn’t like spring yesterday. The day was cool to cold, and there was no sunshine. The grand kids were here yesterday and I had a project for them.
            They each put their own bird house together, and added some decorations. Photos to follow. Yes I hit my finger with a hammer while instructing proper use of the hammer.                                                                      
            Alex put a Bat on his house while Gabi put a heart at the door, a flower on one side and a Bee on the other side. I don’t know if they are going to keep them or give them as presents.
            They both used a hammer, screw driver, a battery powered drill, and a battery powered screw driver. I did the clean up and put away, after the project was completed. 
            It was fun, but I made a couple mistakes, maybe I am not a good teacher of kids. Maybe showing what not to do, is as good as showing what to do!
            Before that one person asks, yes the dog in the back ground does have his leg hiked up, and yes he might be watering the tree.

Try teaching, you will learn more than the students!
Senior instructor of wood projects; Don Ford  


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