
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

New openings 03/20/19

            We here at the Ford’s homestead have opened our doors to more families. We believe in helping the migrants who have been coming into our area for the past month or two. Yesterday we open a duplex and a single family dwelling. I want to show you two recent additions at the Ford Homestead. Please review the following photos, then I will attempt to enlighten.     
            Above, we see both ends of the Ford’s Duplex. It was hung yesterday morning, so it will be a while before the birds trust it enough to check it out. You may notice that it looks a lot like the house across the street, as our artist was trying to emulate the neighbors homestead.

In the above photo (House #5) we are not sure what the Ford’s artist was trying to depict. One thought is, he was trying to capture, the charming appearance of silly grandpa (me).  

Be open to the migration of immigrants! 
Homestead artist; Don Ford


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