
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Olden days photo 03/13/19

            Yesterday, was Tuesday, we did not have the grand kids, so there wasn’t much going on here at the Ford’s Homestead. It was a damp day, with fog that lasted most of the day. With the fog there was a drizzle, causing everything to be damp. Everything being damp, also dampened my ambitions for the day. Even though there are a couple patches of weeds in the front yard, which need to be sprayed with fertilizer weed killer, all I want to do is stay inside where it is warm and dry.
            Since I was inside the Homestead, I decided to turn on the Ford’s ole computer. I received a photo from the past. The photo is from more than 50 years ago. It is of a friends parents, “Paul and Pat Talley, I am between the adults, and another friend Bruce Bennifield. It is amazing how handsome I was, when I was young.
            Bruce, the young man on the right, back in the olden days was known as Benny, short for his last name Bennifield. I believe the photographer was Steve Talley, the son of Paul and Pat. The Talley’s lived out of town in the country.

            Subject change; today is Wednesday and we do not have the grand kids again today. It is raining this morning so we have another wet day. I guess I will never be able to trim the bushes and clean the flower beds. When it gets hot I like to stay in out of the heat. Wait a minute, I don’t like the cold either. I don’t like cold, hot, wet weather, do I like any weather?

Stay consistent, like nothing, like everything, you choose!
Senior complainer; Don Ford


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