
Friday, January 31, 2020

Panic set in 01/31/2020

            It was an unusually cool day as I ventured out to the male mail box to retrieve our bills and advertisements. Most of the time that is all we get, but today we received another 1099. Now, I know most of the reading public does not know what a 1099 is, (you rich people have someone else take care of these things) so I will attempt to enlighten. You could google it, but I have recently learned that some of you do not know how to google.

            Here we go, a 1099 is a form which is used to report earnings, and you use this when completing your income tax forms.

            I received my 1099 and I thought that is all I need to begin my income tax for last year. I went to the Ford’s ole computer and clicked on the Tax software. When it loaded I was instructed to have last year’s tax forms as I would need them to complete this year’s forms. I am not sure why I need last year’s forms, but I did search through the piles of papers and finally found the forms.

            I took the time to review those old tax forms to see what all I will need to do for this years, and that is when the panic set in. It appeared I was missing a 1099! That would mean I failed to list some income! I went back through the forms a second time, and I was still in a panic mode.

            I had decided to put all the forms back in the folder and get my thoughts together. As I put the paper back in the folder, I noticed the outside of the folder had a date on it. It was not last year’s folder, it was the previous year’s folder. Calm feelings now set in. I retrieved the correct folder and all the forms for last year were there.

            I learned two things. First, I had reported last year’s income correctly. Second, I still need one more 1099 before I can get started on this year’s taxes.


            Soup Bowl LIVE is supposed to be on TV this Sunday. My soup bowl will be filled with tomato soup.         Did you get it?            LIV, roman numerals for 54 is, LIV, add an e and you have live!                     I don’t know why I even try to educate the reading public.

Coffee time, got to go!


May all your forms be available!


Senior over taxed retired person, Don Ford

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