As you may see, the title line could be referring to many things. What could the title line mean to the wonderful author of these unsurpassed articles?
Heck, in the mind of a retired senior person who is on a fixed income, it could mean anything, or nothing. In this particular setting the title line does have a meaning. At Christmas Mr. Ford (me) was given a puzzle of the lamp that was in the TV show, A Christmas Story.
I happen to like the TV show, A Christmas Story, as it in some situations reminds me of when I was a kid. Knowing that I like the TV show I was given a puzzle of the lamp. When I opened the box I notice a couple things. First, the plastic bag the puzzle should have been in, was opened and the pieces were not in the bag. Second some pieces were still together, which caused me to think that someone had put the puzzle together and then put it back into the box. The wooden box it came in was not sealed shut.
I removed the pieces from the wooden box and place those pieces that were still together in order on the table. My spouse who is a very good puzzle worker started putting the puzzle together. She was possibly 90% done when she told me that some pieces were missing. The puzzle could not be finished as the last pieces did not seem to fit anywhere.
If it was meant to be a real gift, it wasn’t. If it was meant to be a joke, it wasn’t. If the person giving the puzzle paid for it, they were cheated. I haven’t been asked by the presenter if the puzzle was put together, and I will not address the topic until or unless the presenter asks me about it. Photo to follow.
Changing the subject; we went to Alex’s basketball game on Saturday morning and they won by two points. It was a good game with a close score. During the half time I noticed something about the ceiling of this gym, photo to follow. You may need to enlarge to see what I saw in the ceiling. Knowing someone will not see it, there is a ball stuck in the ceiling.
After the game his parents took Alex home for a quick shower, and then we all went to a restaurant to celebrate our youngest son David’s birthday. We all enjoyed lunch, there was a free dessert for the birthday boy.
We returned to the Ford’s homestead and we got a photo of David with his birthday cookie. Donna gets a birthday cookie for our sons at their birthdays. Photo below.
Sunday was a noneventful day. Brunch as usual at the usual restaurant. I did watch the end of one Star Wars movie, then all of a second Star Wars movie, and then most of a third Star Wars movie before I dozed off to sleep Sunday night.
Hope your week is safe and fun!
Senior all-round nice guy; Don Ford
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