
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January 1, 2020

It is the first day of the year, 2020. I must learn to right I mean write a new day on my wonderful blog posts. Change does not come easy to the senior retired people, and it will not come easy to me either! Speaking of change, that is all us senior retired people on a fixed income have, is change. It would be nice if we had some paper money, you know $5, $10 and or $20 dollar bills. Heck, if we had some paper money we would be just like you, rich and happy.
Now that you bring that up, how can senior retired people on a fixed income have a Happy New Year without some paper money? If you are going to wish senior retired people a Happy New Year, you should also hand them some paper money!
I don’t know how you got me on this subject, but you did. I wanted to present information as to what I did on the last day of that other year. What was the year? My memory must be getting bad.
Yesterday, the last day of that year, I believe it was 1920, I sat at the computer that morning and entered a Blog message. After completing the blog article I waited until about 10:00am and I headed outside to attempt to rake some of the acorns from the front yard. I have previously raked the entire yard twice, and a couple areas have been raked four times.
I worked from 10:00 until 11:00 at raking acorns. I took a break for lunch and followed the lunch with a well-deserved nap. Upon completion of my short siesta, I again returned to the front yard and began scraping the yard for acorns.  It was my intent to rake the acorns along with and leaves or other debris out to the curb and leave it there. The forecasters have been saying it was going to rain, and a good rain would wash it all down the street.
My ole senior body had completed the raking of the entire front yard at about 4:00pm. Every part of my body was hurting, and I wanted to go inside and set on the Fords ole recliner, but I did not.
I looked at the debris along the curb and decided to clean it up. I took an ole broom and gently swept the leaves and dead grass off the top of the acorns. When I could see acorns I would shovel them up and place them in the Ford’s ole red wagon. I continued along the curb doing this until the Ford’s ole red wagon was full. I then pulled the Fords ole red wagon out through the back 40 to the ditch behind the Ford Homestead where I dumped the acorns.
Now I see the environmentalists in this reading club are becoming upset because I dumped that wagon load of acorns in the ditch. May I say to the so-called environmentalist, I dumped three (3) red wagons loaded with acorns in the ditch, and at previous times I have dumped more wagon loads! As I see it, I am helping fight the climate change by placing tree seeds in a location (Ditch) that when it rains it washes these seeds downstream into a river or other large body of water. These Tree seeds will be planted along the river banks creating thousands of new trees and they will help with the climate! 
Consider for a moment Mr. or Mrs. Environmentalist, if I had sent those seeds to the dump they would have added to the landfill problems and those thousands of trees would never have been planted. Darn it, now I am an environmentalist!
After I had removed the acorns I then began removing the leaves and dead grass. There were three bags full! That just reminded me of an ole nursery rhyme, Ba Ba Black Sheep have you any wool, yes sir yes sir three bags full, one for the master, one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane
To make a short story longer, I was able to get everything put away at about 5:00pm. I was so tired I did not have an adult beverage, but I went to my Homedics back massager and allowed it to loosen the ole back muscles up. Then I was able to drag my ole body to the shelf where the adult beverage is stored and I procured a small but enjoyable amount.

                    The End

We wish you a Safe New Year!
When you are safe,
you will likely be happy too!

Senior tired yard worker; Don Ford

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