
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Tres made it through 01/16/2020

            If you had read the previous article, written by yours truly (yours truly means me) you would have known that Tres had an appointment at the vets to have some blood drawn. Tres itches a lot and it is believed he is allergic to something. If we can find the allergic reason, then maybe we can keep him away from it.
            Here is how it went down. We went into a small exam room and Tres was ok checking everything out. As soon as the nurse and technician walked in, Tres went under the bench I was sitting on. He remembers that they usually stick him with a needle every time they enter the room.
            We were able to get him out from under the bench and they backed him into a corner where the technician and I held him so the nurse could get blood. She inserted the needle into his neck and missed the blood vain. She moved the needle and tried again but missed again. She removed the needle and inserted again this time she got blood.
            Needless to say Tres was not happy with them but he did not attempt to bite anyone. Tres and I left the exam room and he took me to the front door. We exited the building and he did not want to go smell where the other dogs had been, and he did not want to urinate on anything. He took me to the door of the truck and jumped in. Tres wanted to go home and get away from these people. I don’t blame him.
            Don’t even ask how much this cost, heck I may need to help my wife pick up aluminum cans for the next three months just to get close to being back to normal finances. Donations of $100 or more will be accepted at the Fords Homestead, please mark these donations as, “Tres blood test”.              Photo of the Tres to follow.
The photo may have been taken just after I told him he had to go to the vet. Now that you have seen this poor puppies face, don’t you feel the need to donate to his vet bill?

Change the topic.
            I brought all the containers from the shed to the garage yesterday.
            Donna packed all the Christmas decoration items in the boxes and totes.
            I took them all back to the shed and stacked the items.
The shed appears to be fuller than in the past and we actually tossed a couple items out. It took about five hours total with a couple short breaks.

No rest for the wicked, I mean senior people!

Senior Christmas decoration stocker, Don Ford

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