
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Biker at young age 01/28/2020

            I have a very old photo of me, on an Indian motorcycle at a very young age. Now we know that riding motorcycles is a genetic thing, the old motorcycle was my brother Carl’s. He rode them, and I rode them. The photo isn’t too good, click on it to enlarge.
            I would like to have that old piece of junk today, it would be worth a few dollars.

            My son Patrick has a birthday today and he and his wife celebrated their 25th anniversary last week. Photos to follow.


            The traditional birthday cookie held by the birthday boy, then we see Pat and Karla with their free desserts which they receive after our noon day meal.

One day you are 21, a couple days later you are 70, time flies!

Senior one day older person, Don Ford

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