
Monday, January 20, 2020

No school today 01/20/2020

            It is Monday and there is no school for our grand kids today. What the heck will I do? Now we know Tres will be very upset if he doesn’t get to go for a ride in the Ford’s ole Chevy, maybe I can go to the star coffee place to get a cup and Tres could go with me.

            I still need most of my Tax crap, (aka 1099s) before I can start my tax reporting. I believe I got a couple dollars back last year, but I would need to look at the tax returns to be sure. Mi esposa penso que obtuvimos nada el ano pasado. Was that Spanish or just something I made up? My wife thought we did not get anything back last year.

            I had seen on line where the Best Store (no gratuity for me, no advertisement for them) had the tax software I use for 29.99, and they would give me a 10.00 gift card. I decided to do that and when I went back to the web site the next day, the offer had been withdrawn. How hurtful that was to a senior retired person, on a fixed income.

            I now find that Wally world has it digitally for 19.99. The so-called Best store missed out as I will get it from Wally, in his world.


            My spouse of more than 50 years allowed me to get a new Bible. She knew which store to go to, and as I looked for something I would like, she found it for me. It is the New American Standard Bible, in large print. I still have the ole bible and it has 4 versions in it, but the print is very small. I had to pay for the new bible myself, my present spouse would not buy it for me! You have no idea how hurtful that was!


            Well I will stop for now and see if I can find something to do, it is too cold outside so I must stay inside the Homestead today. Ole people should not be forced out in the cold.


Tres is laying behind the chair I am sitting on, and he fully expects that we will go for a ride. He just woke up and is insisting that we go for a ride.


May your day be entertaining and safe!


Senior retired dog chauffeur and usually nice guy, Don Ford

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