
Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 this is the first 01.01.18

                “The first what?’ He asked, with a slight frown on his wrinkled face. This old fellow is very inquisitive, for a senior retired citizen, who does nothing but sit around watching…

                Who is this person referred to as, “He”? We will not divulge his name, as it could be embarrassing for him and possibly a law suit for me, “The Homestead Reporter”. What, you didn’t know I am The Homestead Reporter? Where have you been hiding for the last few years? I report on things almost daily! Oh, I understand now, you don’t read my reporting’s (aka blog) and thusly, you would not know I am the lead reporter at The Ford Homestead

                The fact that he has a wrinkled face, has little, or nothing to do with this report. Why have you began thinking about his wrinkled face? If you as the student would just read, and not project your imagination into my report, I would not need to take most of my time addressing these nonsensical thoughts.

                The first refers to the first time it has been this cold in a long while. It was 20 degrees this morning and I know for those who live north of Dallas that is not considered cold, but for those of us who live south of Dallas, it is definitely cold!

                As this report goes, I awoke from deep sleep about 5:30 this morning. Before you say it, yes I did get an extra half hour of sleep. I popped out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make me a cup of coffee and to get Tres his morning repast.

                All that completed I sat down in the Ford’s old recliner with the cup of coffee in hand. I did notice that the material on the old recliner seemed cooler than usual. I passed that off to the fact that it is very cold outside. As I enjoyed the cup of coffee it seemed to me that I had not heard the furnace kick on and off.

                I went to investigate and I moved the fan switch from auto to the on position. The fan started and I knew the unit was getting power. I then moved the fan switch back to auto and the fan kept running, indicating that the unit was heating. Happily I ventured back to the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

                Possibly two hours went by, and my present spouse decided it was cold in the Homestead so she decided to turn the thermostat up. She move it a little and nothing. She moved it as high as it would go and nothing! We have a problem. My first spouse and CEO came to me with the evidence, “It Aint Working!”

                I immediately spring into action, calling a local heating company. They were closed but there was a phone number of the “On call person”. He listened and basically told me to check all the things that I had already checked. He said that he could not help me as the roads were iced over, call someone else. The streets around here were clear, he may have lived in the boonies.

                I called a second Heating firm and they said they would be here in an hour or so, there was a couple calls ahead of us. A couple hours have passed and they have not yet arrived. We are keeping the doors closed and we have a lot of insulation above the ceiling, so although it is not totally comfortable, it isn’t too bad yet.   

                About 11:30 I recalled the Heating Company just to be sure we were still on their list, and he said they were almost done at that job and will be heading our way, then he quickly asked for our address again. Was he checking his list or had he not put us on the list this morning earlier?

                At 1:00 pm I called again and he said I am glad you called I didn’t write the address down, what was it. I told him the address again and he said I will be there in 15 minutes. 30 minutes later I was calling other companies. I called 4 heating companies, when the first one called back I told him of the problem and he said he would be here in 30 minutes, if I would approve double time pay! What could I do? I approved the double time robbery! I called the first fellow back and he said I am almost there, I replied no need, and he said ok and hung the phone up. This south end of a north bound donkey (aka a Jack Ass) will never get a call from me again.

                The other heating companies all eventually returned my calls, and I thanked them saying, I have scheduled another company.

                While all this is going on, Tres has went in and out of the house several times. He don’t seem to mind the cold weather. We wish he would learn to get in his dog house, but he hasn’t yet.

                Another thing that came up today, I was thinking that Tres should become an adult before long, thinking he was about 11 months old. I went to the records of the visits to the vet and found that Tres was born on May 2nd, 2017. Tres is not 11 months old he is just 8 months old! That’s why he is still acting like a puppy, he is one.

                Tres is so big, he looks like an adult!

                The furnace repair person arrived, he was a young man with a small beard, kind of tall and slim. He is a smoker. He worked on the unit (receiving double time pay for the holiday) enjoying his work! He decided it was a thermostat that was the problem and drove into town to purchase said item.

                Returning, he installed said thermostat. This thermostat has batteries to power it. That don’t make me happy but we can live with it. It is programmable, I may look into programing later, right now, it works similar to the old one, set it and forget it!

                You don’t even what to know how much it cost for the repair. Ok you want to know but I am not telling you. Let’s just say, my dearest first wife will be working overtime for several months, walking the highways and byways looking for the elusive aluminum cans in an effort to cover the cost of this repair.


                So much for the first cold weather of 2018!


We hope your new year started better than ours!


Don Ford

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