
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Acclimated maybe 12.31.17

                What a way to end the year! It was cold today, by Texas standards, with temps in the low 30s. My first wife and I went to brunch at the Cracker Barrow and we noticed that we were not the only people dressed like Eskimos. It was about 34 when we went to eat and that was the warm point of the day.
                It was reminiscent of the olden days when we first moved to Texas. That was a cold year, and we, being semi-northerners, thought everyone was crazy for wearing those big coats, while we wore sweaters. We have now acclimated to the Texas weather, and we now have the big coats too!
                I was watching the local weather on the TV when they said it was snowing. I brought up the security cameras ant it was snowing. My spouse of 48 years and I went outside to verify the snow. Tres stopped and looked for a minute before he went out into the snow. He then began licking the snow off the leaves in the yard.  Photos to follow.

                As the well trained eye can see, it was snowing at a tremendous rate, at least it was tremendous for Hewitt Texas, click to enlarge. One might ask if the snow was bad enough to cause the schools to be shut down. I can verify that the schools were shut down and will be shut down all week (it is Christmas break).
                I have also taken a photo of the snow that is deposited on the ground, just as a verification that is snowing, or did snow!
                We don’t get a lot of snow in Hewitt, so I called my son David and told him of the snow, so he could get the grand kids outside to see snow. They were eating supper and he said they would look after the evening meal.

                As you can see, there was snow on the ground and snow on the side walk and porch. I don’t have a snow shovel, and I don’t think they sell them around here.
                That was New Year’s Eve in Hewitt Texas.

May it be your best year ever!

Don Ford

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