
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Equal distribution of goods 01.17.18

                It was 88 years ago when they set the record, and now, some 88 years later these liberals find it necessary to change things. Why do we have to make changes? It has been good for the last 88 years and now they change without even asking if the real people who live here want the change!

                Let me talk about something that I find as a more pleasant subject. It seems as if I may get a free meal this evening! How would that happen you ask? Allow me to elaborate. A friend of mine, who still works for the company I use to work for, is in town. Knowing that, I suggested we have supper together. I more or less indicated that I, even though I am on a fixed income and unemployed, would purchase the supper. Naturally, he being on an expense account, which means he can buy my meal and the company will pay for it, offered to buy my supper. It will be good to see my friend again, as it has been several years since we have seen each other.

                I should also let you know, this friend will not be employed very long after he purchases my supper on the company expense account! Like many companies, this company is very strict about how there staff spend money, especially when they do something like by supper for a former employee! What? No I will not provide his name! I will say he works out of the home office.

                Let me change the subject. It is very cold here in Hewitt Texas today, the temp this morning is 8 degrees. The so-call weather people were saying that today’s temp of 8 degrees, has broken and 88 years old record. Personally they can take this record breaking cold and leave it up north where it belongs. I do believe this cold weather is here do to liberals wanting to make this country a socialistic country. You know, socialism, equal distribution of goods and things, including weather! Let the libs keep their cold weather in the northeast, we don’t want a share of the cold!

                What, you want to know why this friend would have supper with me, if he will lose his job? No it isn’t because I was the best manager they had, and they were all upset when I retired, even if that were true, it would not be a reason for him to be unemployed.

                I didn’t say he would lose his job! Try to focus on what I am writing, not on your vivid imagination! This person is retiring in the near future and that is why he will not have a job after buying my supper!

                Now you know the whole story, hope you are happy!


Enjoy your free meals, they don’t happen that often!


Don Ford


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