
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Earl and Oscar 05.21.14


            A true story by, Don Ford.


It was spring time, the cold winter weather was over and the flowers were blooming. The leaves on the trees were green and shined in the morning sun.

It was a quite morning in the neighborhood, the warm sun was shining, and there were a few fluffy white clouds floating in the sky.

I was sitting in my rocking chair on our front porch, enjoying the morning sun. Our cat Molly, was being her usual curious self, investigating everything that moved and some that did not. Molly is a young cat and her color is gray.

She was especially interested in the birds as they flew in and out of our yard. Molly enjoys chasing birds and making them fly. She often wondered why, the birds will not stay and play with her.

            As I sat relaxing on the porch, I saw something move in the shrubs across the street in the neighbor’s yard. It was, “a black and white cat named Oscar”. Oscar lived in the house across the street.

Oscar was a big cat, he was a little bit lazy, and he was kind of fat with long hair. He was mostly black but his belly was white. Oscar had a white tip on the end of his black tail. He enjoyed playing with other cats in the neighborhood.

Oscar has a friend named Earl. Earl lived in the house next door to Oscar. Earl was orange and white cat and he also loved to play.  


Oscar who was hiding in the shrubs all of a sudden ran across the yard and stopped by a tree. Oscar was standing very still almost like a statue and that is when I saw Earl ran to the shrubs where Oscar had been and stop. Both cats stayed very still, like statues. 

            All of a sudden Oscar ran from the tree and hid in some flowers, while at the same time Earl ran to the tree where Oscar had been. Both cats stood very still as they watched each other.

            Without warning Oscar ran to the other tree in the yard and at the same time Earl ran to the flowers. Again both cats watched each other without moving. 

            It seemed odd at first that both cats would run and then stop at the same time. Perhaps they were playing a game of, “follow the leader”. When Oscar would run, Earl would follow and when Oscar stopped, Earl would stop.

            This running and stopping continued until Molly started to cross the street.

Oscar and Earl saw Molly at the curb and both called out to Molly to stop. They asked her to be safe and look both ways before crossing the street.

Molly looked up and down the street, there were no cars coming so she walked across the street.

Molly, Earl and Oscar played, “follow the leader” until the lady who lived in the house where Oscar lives, opened the door and called, “here kitty kitty”. It was lunch time and Oscar said goodbye to Molly and Earl, because he had to go in for lunch.

Earl reminded Molly to look both ways before she crossed the street. Molly thanked Earl for the reminder, and she did look both ways before crossing the street. 

Earl went to his home and Molly came her home for lunch and a nap. 


                        The End

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