
Friday, December 8, 2017

The entire Globe 12.08.17

                Since we are getting close to Christmas, most of us have been thinking about Santa. Most of you know he can really travel all the way around the world in one night, although some of you wonder how he is able to deliver toys to everyone in one night. Well, he isn’t able to deliver gifts to everyone in one night.

                I will try to explain. Consider for a minute, the naughty list. We have learned that over ¾ of the world’s population is on the naughty list, or do not believe, and they do not get visited by Santa. As you can see, those on the naughty list and non-believers provide Santa the needed time to deliver presents to those of us, on the good list.

                Changing the focus, I do not even want to get into the fact that, Santa uses only people of small stature as his employees. Does he have a need to feel superior to all around him, is that why he only hires people who are smaller in stature than himself?                  

                One last Christmas oriented comment; rain deer is incorrect, the correct spelling is reindeer. My one critic miss this in my previous posting, but I found it myself!  

New subject:

            As I observed a commercial for a company yesterday, (whose name begins with an “A” and has “zon” in the name), I have no idea what they were selling are presenting. I was observing the conveyors, and rack, as they were in one of their order fulfillment centers. There was this person, I believe the person was a male, and this person had a carton with merchandise in it. The cartons flaps were closed, except there was a gap of about ½ to ¾ inch between the two main flaps. In other words the carton was not completely closed and I could see something (merchandise) that was in the carton.

                This person, employee or someone hired to look like an employee, took a strip of tape and placed it, in my opinion, loosely on the flaps, in what I assume was an attempt to show the carton as prepared for shipment. The carton was then placed onto the conveyor.

                I assume, there was a QC person from the company watching this commercial being made. If so, this person needs to find different employment. In real life the employee taping the carton would have pulled the flaps together tightly, then applied the tape, and ran their hand over the tape to be sure it was completely in contact with the cartons flaps.

                I have never received a carton from this company that was not properly packed. In my opinion, Poor commercial!


May your cartons be packed properly!


Don Ford  

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