
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Nice neighbor 12.12.17

                As my most loyal reader, you may have read comments from the Grinch (me) providing information about my neighbors. I usually do not spare any of the neighbors when I am in the observing mood. Before you say it, yes, I do have a tendency to, shall we say, “Not criticize, but point out flaws that I have observed”!

                Today I would like to say something nice about a neighbor.

                A couple days ago our neighbor Steve, showed me a photo he had on his cell phone (does anyone have photos on paper anymore)? The photo was of his grandson Noah, and a very big 10 point deer that Noah had shot. Steve (grandpa) and Noah (grandson) were hunting together when this deer was harvested.

                Yesterday, Noah came over to the Fords Homestead with some hamburger meat, made from deer, and some deer sticks (like beef sticks but made with deer meat). Wow, that is so nice! I said thank you several times and gave Noah a big hug. FYI, Noah is about 10 years old.


Different subject:

                Unfortunately Tres has learned to jump up on our bed. Now, any time one of us is in the bed he has a tendency to want to join us. This morning as I was showering, while my spouse of 48 years was still in bed, not sleeping but just waiting for me to get out of the bath room, she noted that Tres had seen himself in the mirror. He was first just looking at himself. Then he stood up on the bed and began to growl. As he was growling he began to back up. You guessed it, he fell off the bed backwards. No injuries or damage, just embarrassment.


Different Subject:

                Our granddaughter, “The Gabi”, will be 11 years old tomorrow! They will have a pot roast for her birthday supper, which she really likes. We will get together Saturday for gifts and hopefully cake!


May you be the nice neighbor!


Don Ford 


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