
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mirror image 04.01.17

                As I was sitting on the front veranda at the Ford’s Homestead This April fool’s day, I decided to try a favorite pastime of many people. I know what you are thinking, would I, the head of the Ford Homestead (when my present spouse isn’t around) participate in things that regular people do. Obviously, the answer in some situations is yes.
                What is this pastime? It is the practice of taking selfies.
                As I sat in the chair, I became aware of a flag (that is what my wife called it) slightly behind and to my left side. This flag had the name of, “Ford” on it. I thought, it might be nice to have a selfie of me and the flag with my name. I retrieved the cell phone and took a selfie.
                When I reviewed the photo, the word Ford was backward. Are all selfies in reverse, are is this an April fool’s day prank, played on me? Click on the selfie to enlarge.
                Luckily, I was able to flip the photo using the Ford’s seven year old computer. Before you ask, the photos are in black and white because we hear at the Ford Homestead are trying to save money, we are doing without color.  
                Someone said I wasn’t smiling. Believe it or not, having never created a selfie before, I was not aware that I would need to smile!

May you not be fooled today!

Don Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow.

                  Donald Ford         NARBNL

             Click below for the Blog experiance                                  


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