Your government has now provided the safest method of using the credit system. Even if someone gets your chip code, they will not be able to use it because it must match with your face. Did your government finally do something right?
The next step in this security process, provided by your government is, “Recall all money, and go to an all credit system”. Citizens are given one year to turn in all money. That includes coins and paper money. When you turn in your money, your government credits your account. The government requires all banks and companies that handle money including investment companies to send that information to them. From that point on, if you sell an investment or access your bank account, the transactions go through your government credit system helping you keep your credits safe.
Your government helps you again by requiring your employer to send your pay to them. They credit your account, taking the necessary deductions from each pay period. You no longer have to go to the bank saving you time.
Another outstanding part of your governments credit system is, you no longer have to fill out income tax forms. Your government’s computers review your credit account monthly, making any needed adjustment to your taxes and deductions. One less thing to worry about!
Another excellent benefit of your government’s credit system, there is no more problems with immigrants. No one wants to come to your government’s country. Your government allows you to freely travel to other countries, but they will not allow you to convert your credits into foreign currency. The foreign country may send a billing request to your government, and the government will decide whether to pay it or not.
At some point you decide that the government is not your government, but it is too late, you and all citizens should have taken a stand some time ago.
The government still provides food stamp credits, welfare credits and free medical care for the less fortunate. Each quarter the government reviews the cost of these giveaways and decides on a percentage needed to deduct from all credit accounts to cover the expenses. This is considered fair because they take the same percentage from everyone’s accounts. If they need half a percent to cover these expenses, they will deduct it from everyone’s account. That way a middle class person pays the same percentage as a rich person.
All the government unions are now united into one! That one union is, “The Unified Government”!
The Unified Government took charge of all the Government functions removing the need for elections. The Unified Government Union leader, took the place of The President. Union personnel were placed in positions such as, the Senate and House of Representatives.
All these things occur because people did not want to get involved!
Get involved!
Don Ford
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