
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Stinging situation 04.06.17

                As anyone who has read these posting should know, I have a tendency to sit in the old Ford’s rocker most afternoons. I sit there watching the grass grow, and occasionally wave at a passerby. I recently learned that one of our neighbors, who lives at the end of the block, gets a good feeling when she sees me in the old rocker most afternoons. She made these comments in front of her husband and my wife. She didn’t comment that I am very handsome, but she probably just forgot to say that. Women say the darndest things!
                               (Art Linkletter used the word darndest on his TV show, so it must be a proper word!)
                That was not the stinging situation, which is the title of this soon to be, “excellent article”.
                As I participated in the afternoon sitting program, which is an exercise program for my brain, there was this opportunity for me to get a photo of a new friend. This photo explains how making a new friend could have been a stinging situation. Yes those are my faded blue jeans. 
                You may have noticed the old wood, of the old fords rocker. Donations would be accepted for a new rocker! Click to enlarge.
                Changing the subject, I will show another advantage of afternoon sittings in the Ford’s old rocker. Charlie and Molly often provide me with friendly antics.

Up a tree, but not a bird!

Don Ford

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