
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Red line in the sand 04.13.17

                Have you heard about a red line being drawn? If not you have not watched any TV in many months. It is said that one of the so called leaders of the US drew a red line and then turned his back when the line was crossed. 
                Well this soon to be, “well written article”, has nothing to do with a red line! I thought of the title this morning as I was engaging in the morning stroll. I was heading east on Arkansas street when I observed a white line across the street. This white line had not been place there by any city worker. To be totally truthful, no human was involved in the placement of this white line!
                Before I receive the inevitable questions, allow me to continue please!
                I just went to the Ford’s kitchen and made a cup of coffee, and there were Blue Berry Muffins. I was told these muffins had no added sugar. I was also told by my spouse of 48 years, the muffins are all natural. I explained to her, “I am all natural, does that make me desirable”? I got that look from my first wife, you know the look that says without words, “I can’t believe you said that”.
                I digress: now allow me to continue please!
                The white line is all the way across the street. It is not a solid white line but it can be easily seen. This line is located directly under a power line that crosses the street. Now you know how the white line got there.
                What?    Come on!              Anyone should be able to understand, all the bird sit on the power line and they relieve themselves! Hold on, for that one reader let me explain, relieve themselves means, “they poop”, and it falls on the street making a white line across the street.
                   That is it from the Ford Homestead.

May there be no white lines in your life!

Don Ford

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