
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Most Impressive 7.01.14

                Being as modest as I am it is difficult for me to determine which is most impressive, my skills as a, “Creative photographer” or my skills as a, “Master Wood Butcher”.
                In viewing the following two photos, you may be able to decide for yourself. In all honesty, my skills at wood work and photography are unmatched.
                Also you will see that I have been training an assistant in the art of wood working.                          
                The project was a ladder for the fort. I had noticed that the original ladder worked well for the smaller bodies but as the kids grew it was more difficult to get onto the upper level. My present spouse suggested (after seeing the expensive store bought fort/play house the neighbors have in their back yard) our grand kids should have a better ladder.
In the above photo we see, “my apprentice” working with a wood mallet and a chisel. Before you ask, yes I made the wood mallet. He was removing wood from the 2 X 4 which is where the steps will be placed. No child labor laws were broken as I feed him lunch and gave him a place to take his nap, he was also allowed restroom breaks every 2 hours (room and board)
The above photo shows the ladder installed and my apprentice reviewing the workmen ship of the project.  I can now climb this ladder and get into the top level of the fort which I was unable to do in the past.
                Since we no longer have a dog house, this is where I have to go when my present wife is upset with me. I spend a lot of time in the back yard. 
                The carpentry and photography is “amazing”, may I say, “Unsurpassed”. I do need to brag on myself, no one else will.  L
I hope you are climbing your ladder to success.
                             Did you picked up on the play on words involving ladder.       
Don Ford

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