
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Geology "101" 07.15.14

                Good morning or whatever time of day it is, we hope you are having a rock solid day.
                For that one person that wants to know how the colonoscopy went yesterday, “everything came out ok”, get it?  Came out ok...  it was an attempt at a poorly designed joke.
                Back to normal today I decided to get the grandkids out of the house for a while. I suggested that we look for fossils in the ditch behind the house. I have found fossils there in the past.   
                Although I did not finish my Doctorate in Rock-ology, I still believe that I am qualified to look for and wash old rocks with the kids.
                We looked through the grass at any rock that seemed promising but we did not find a good fossil. We did however pick up some rocks and brought them to the house. We put some water in the wagon and each of us had a tooth brush.
                Working at a feverish pace we attempted to clean the rocks (see photo below). Ok, maybe it wasn’t feverish work, but we did use tooth brushes to clean the rocks. I am hoping that my present spouse does not notice that her tooth brush was wet.
                The cleaned rocks were then laid out the dry.
The rocks are located on the bench next to the exit of the grandkids “secret hide out”.
                The weather people are predicting rain for the next couple days, we need it. We are hoping for slow easy rains that do not cause a lot of run off.
                Although my computer indicated that we reached 102 yesterday, the weather guy this morning said it was only 99. We are still looking for the first official 100 degree day.
We hope your rocks are all dimonds.
Don Ford

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