
Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Penny found is a Penny... 07.03.14

                Can you believe it? This morning’s temperature, at the time of my stroll was only 72 degrees. I could feel the difference as soon as I stepped out the door. Cool refreshing air, what a morning for a walk through the neighborhood.
                My plan for the day was to have a cup of coffee, go for a walk, have another cup of coffee, sit on the throne for a few minutes, weed eat the ditch behind the house then do nothing the rest of the day.  
                I have now, progressed to the point of doing nothing the rest of the day.
                During my stroll through the neighborhood, this fine morning, I was considering all the many nice things that have occurred in my life, and a couple just recently (aka blessings). I happened to look down and I saw something that kind of looked like a coin.
                I reached down and retrieved the coin, or what was left of it. It was a penny, with possibly 1/5 of the body missing.  I wondered how long this penny had been on the street. Had it started out at the top of the hill and over time washed down the street during the occasional rain storm? Possibly it has been laying in the same location for a long time.
                However it got there, I found it; “finders keepers losers weepers”. There is a saying, find a penny and have good luck all day. My present spouse and I believe that when we find a penny heads up, something good will happen in the near future.
                I continued my brisk walking up the street and around a few corners. Varying the path I take each day, provides me with a less boring view of the area. I turned and was walking east, facing the sun. I begin to wish I had my sun glasses, or at least a cap, as the sun was low in the eastern sky and it was difficult to see. I crossed Oklahoma Ave. and continued my easterly walk.
                Although the sun made it difficult to see the other end of the block it was enhancing items on the pavement in front of me. There, big as day was another penny. This penny was in better condition than the first one (photo of both to follow) and it was, “heads up”. 
Coincidentally the date on the penny was 1979, the year we moved to Hewitt.
                Being on a fixed income we need every penny we can find. This penny was heads up and that means, something nice will happen.
                The rest of the walk was uneventful.
Returning home, I procured my second cup of coffee and sat outside a few minutes. At some point I decided to get on with the rest of my day’s plan, (weed eat the ditch behind the house) so I notified my first wife of my plan. It was at this time that she pointed out, the local home center has the refrigerator that she wants, at a price that we could afford.
How can we, afford a new refrigerator, while being on a fixed income. I will explain.
Our present refrigerator was purchased 3 years ago at this same home center. It had a one year warranty and I purchased a 2 year extended warranty. I normally do not purchase these warranties.
As it happened, this refrigerator turned out to be a lemon. The warranty people had repairmen out several times to work on the unit. The one repairman told us that the unit had a defect. After too many repairs the warranty company sent us a total refund of the purchase price. The refund is on a gift card for the home center.
We have visited the home center several times but the price of the refrigerators was almost ¼ more than the original price. We have lived with the defective unit until now. They are running a sale on the refrigerator that my present spouse wants and it will be close to the price of the original unit.
I found the penny heads up and the same day there is a sale on the refrigerator.  That is good luck or more likely a blessing, either way the penny was a sign of something good.
I hope you find a heads up penny.
Don Ford

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