I thought I had better finish my comment about overpopulation, since I have posted a couple other articles and have not mentioned this subject.
During my morning constitutional, I was again aware of the overpopulation.
The overpopulation here in Hewitt, TX, (as I see it) consists of white wing doves, rabbits and squirrels.
There is a tree on the next block over that is dead. This tree is probably 30 foot from the ground to the top and does not have one leaf on it. As I pass this tree today I could not help but notice it was full of white winged doves. I am not saying there was 15 or 20 doves, I am saying there may have been 100 doves in this one dead tree.
Think about the amount of fertilizer (a nice way of not saying bird manure) they were dropping onto the yard and sidewalk. Maybe a spotted side walk could be the new fad.
It is not unusual to see 20 or more of these birds fly up from someone’s yard or drive way. They are always sitting on the road.
The rabbits are increasing in population due to (I believe) no dogs allowed to run free. Seeing 3 or more rabbits in a group or in someone’s yard is not uncommon.
Then there are the squirrels. These pests love to hang out around pecan trees. Seeing several in your front yard and then walking to your back yard and seeing even more indicates an overpopulation.
As I have point out, this overpopulation is bad for the humans but when our so called leaders finish screwing everything up, we will then be happy for this over population as we will be able to harvest (notice I did not say kill) these wonderful Doves , Rabbits and Squirrels for a protein filled meal.
I hope your day is better than mine, because mine had been outstanding.
Don Ford
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