
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday again? 09/24/2020

            It is Thursday morning and the Tres and I have completed or morning walk. We are not looking forward to the rest of the day as I will be required to do some work.

            Yesterday, I made the decision to get some ST. Augustine sod, and place it on the bare dirt around the patio and at the gate to the back yard. This sod will help keep Tres from walking or laying in the wet dirt. I also raised the Ford's ole gates so they could be opened either way. The new drive way is higher than the ole drive at the drive through gate, and with the higher cement, the ole gate would only open into the yard, now, after I raised it, it will open both ways.

            That is a lot of work for an ole retired senior person, and I still have some more dirty sod, I need to find places to place it. I must get my hands dirty when working with the sod.

            My favorite wife and I both have received this year's flu shots. If you haven't gotten yours, get off your butt and go get them! 😐

            New topic; I will attempt to attach a couple photos. As I was sitting outside the other day I observed the a humming bird, and when it landed I got a photo. After taking the humming birds photo, I saw a hawk on the fence out at the ditch behind the house and got a photo.


            There are some purple flowers on which water drops were displayed. Molly was getting a drink of water from the flowers.


            Then we have a photo of the Tres who was napping on the Ford's ole couch!


            As you can see, even the Ford's ole pot hound enjoys the occasional nap.

            Topic change; back in the olden days, I was a member of the Missouri National Guard, back in the late 60s and early 70s, during the Vietnam War. We practiced a lot in riot control. Basically, we wanted to disburse the mobs into smaller and smaller groups, eventually causing them to leave. We were also trained in the use of clubs. I remember the first thing they taught us was how to use the wrist strap. We learned to not put our hand through the strap, because if a person grabbed the club, and your wrist was inside the strap, they could pull you out of the formation. Using the strap correctly, one would have a more secure control of the club.


Carry a club, wear the mask, stay safe!


Senior club aficionado, yes, I have a club in my office, Don the Ford

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