
Monday, September 7, 2020

Finally, a day off work 09/07/2020

            Those of us who work hard every day, very much appreciate a day off. I do wonder why they named this holiday, “Labor Day”! The name itself sounds like, a day to labor, not a day for those laborers to rest. Now another question, for those people who do not labor, AKA “physical work”, are they supposed to have the day off too?


            I was listening to the radio yesterday, you know ole senior people on a fixed income can’t have TVs like you real people do, so we listen to the radio. It was a reading of a short story on the PBS channel when they used a term that I had not heard in a long time. What was that term, it was loogie.  Now when I was a kid, we would use that term occasionally. The word Loogie means, a lump of phlegm or spittle. Maybe kids had more snot than kids do now days!



            My small brain began thinking about words, and a word that came to mind was reject. I would say reject might mean to not accept or push away. The re at the beginning of a word usually means, to do again, such as reapply, which means apply again or recount, to count again and so on. So, when we get to reject, what does ject mean?

            They should check with me before they make a word.


            Topic change, my spouse of more than 5 decades insisted on improving the garage. She said it was too boring, and needed a little sprucing up. Check out this photo.


            As you may be able to see, there are two rugs, and would you believe, I need to choose the one I like? I am often forced to do things here at the homestead, or not get fed


            I did mow the front yard yesterday and it looks nice, today I will attempt to rest.


A holiday from work not masks!


Senior word-ologist and silly grandpa, Don the Ford

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