
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Start out bad 09/09/2020

            What could be worse than starting the day out bad, not much? Now if you were paying attention to what you were reading, you would want to know, how did the senior Ford an his pot hound Tres, start their morning out bad.

            Allow me to, splain Lucy. Heck, you may not even have picked up on the two words, “Splain Lucy”. Some of you may be too young to have heard that comment, and the seniors among you may be so old that your memory of ole time TV has left you. I will not splain or explain!

            Back on topic; Tres and I went out to get the news paper for the senior officer here at the Ford Homestead, it was not there! If that paper isn’t in her chair when she goes into the front room, we will be in trouble.

            Another part of the morning starting off bad, we were late getting started on our walk. Heck the sun was not up but it was light enough outside that we did  not need a flash light.

            We were about half way through our walk when a vehicle playing loud music drove past us. This vehicle was moving fairly fast, I assumed he was late getting to work, or her husband had come home early.

            Tres and I walked on, and in about a minute later, the same vehicle came by again, still driving fast, and the music was still loud. Shortly after the vehicle vanished down the street, I noticed that there were newspapers in some of the yards. I then deducted that this vehicle may have been driven by the newspaper person. I guess there are no more news paper boys.

            When we arrived home, there was a paper in our yard also, now my favorite wife should be happy.


            A day starting out that bad, can it get better?


set the example, be nice to others!



Senior person with no scheduled activities, Don the Ford

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