
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Weedless in Hewitt 09/30/2020

            This will likely be the last posting this month. Why is it the last, check the date and you will know.

            I did get on my knees yesterday for about an hour. It is rough for ole senior persons to stay on their knees that long. What? Of course, I was praying! I was praying I would be able to get up after pulling those weeds. I can’t say I got them all, but I got a lot of them, photo to follow. 



            If I might be allowed, I would like to post another photo taken from the Ford’s ole rocking chair on the Ford’s ole new driveway. Some of you have heard of a thing called Tik Tok, it is some type of program for the smart phones. Well, here at the Ford Homestead we have something called the tick, but we haven’t yet found the Tok.  I have a photo, wow, we have half a cell phone program, or at least we have the tick. See photo.


            During our walk this cool morning, I did have my sweat shirt on, we observed the fellow with his shorts and hoodie on. Oddly enough, today, since it was cool enough to have the hood up covering one’s head, he did not have the hood up. Hood up when it is hot, and down when it is cool. His shorts were down so low, the crotch of the shorts was at his knees, this tall fellow had to take little steps because of the shorts. I think he may be afraid of the Tres. I also think that is good!

            What? Yes and no! First of all, it is none of your business what I watched on TV last evening, but since I am a nice retired senior person, I will enlighten. I did turn the TV on to watch the debate. I watched less than 10 minutes and turned it off. Talking over each other made it difficult to even understand what they were trying to say. I would have liked to hear clear conversations, one at a time, with proper responses.

            To me, it was like a couple adolescents in a school yard arguing with each other. How long before one of them gets a bloody nose from fighting. I will not watch crap that comes from people acting less intelligent than I am!  


            I may attack more weeds in the other black berry patch today, as it is cool again this morning.


May your politics be easy to understand!


Senior independent voter and weed puller, Don the Ford

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A couple photos 09/29/2020

            Just a couple photos before we go for our walk. It is 48 degrees outside, so I have looked for a sweat shirt. Tres could not find his coat, so he my get cold during the walk. We are waiting until the sun comes up before starting.

            Photo of a monster?   Do you see that brown head in the tree?


            Next, we see a rose in bloom and a second rose bud!


            Well, we’ve got to get walking, the sun has risen. I hope to pull some weeds today since the weather is cool. The black berries are growing like crazy; I will need to tie some of them up to make it safe for seniors to be around them.


Be happy, be safe, wear the mask!


Senior dog walker and photographer, Don the Ford

Monday, September 28, 2020

Coming up soon 09/28/2020

            For that one person who read the title line, I will explain what is coming soon. For all the others who did not read the title line, I am not talking to you.

            On the third of October, it will have been 17 years, wow, how time fly’s! Here is how it all worked out 17 years ago.

            I had been working as a fill in General Manager at the old Cape Girardeau, Missouri distribution center. October 2nd, was my last day working there and I flew home. I had several weeks earlier decided to enact my plan after the evening of October 3rd, 2003.

            Why did I pick that date, I wanted to make a new start with as little congestion in my life as possible? No more going out of state to work, and I would be getting back into my normal routines. I did understand that this decision I had made, was going to affect any and everyone who I came in contact with for at least a couple weeks, knowing that, I wanted very few distractions in my life at this time!

            Someone should have asked, “What was the planned event that was coming”? no one asked, but that is not going to stop me from explaining. I had decided about at least a month earlier that I would give up tobacco. I chewed tobacco for years and I wanted to stop, so I picked a date after my last trip out of state and after other scheduled events.

            I was able to purchase the tobacco wholesale so I would buy it by the case. On trash day, the day after I had quit, I placed half a case of tobacco on top of the trash can, thinking, if the trash man would look, and if he chewed, he could have the tobacco. 

            Anyway, it has been 17 years since I chewed tobacco! It wasn’t easy quitting, and I wanted to be mean to everyone for a while. I remember one event when, my favorite wife and I had been out to supper, and as we were leaving the restaurant, the lights on the parking lot had not yet came on. I said to my favorite spouse, “I wish someone would try to mug me, I really want to hurt someone right now”!             Nicotine addicts really want tobacco after eating!

            I no longer have any desire or thought of chewing tobacco again. If I could get a box of those expensive Cuban cigars, I would definitely smoke one every week!

            There was one other thing that happened 17 years ago on October 3rd, our son David and Claire got married. Wow two great things happened on the same date!


May you be happy and busy!


Senior non chewer of the tobacco, Don the Ford

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Irritating people 09/27/2020

            During this time of quarantine, and if you are a senior person you are still mostly quarantined, there are people who are irritating. Now, some of these people are not intentionally irritating, but intentional or not, they are irritating! Lucy, please allow me to explain.

            This morning I was sitting outside, attempting to enjoy a cup of real coffee. Tres was laying there on the Ford’s ole new driveway, he was relaxed, when suddenly he raised his head, opened his eyes, and listened. There were numerous sounds from dogs barking off in the distance. He looked around but from where he was laying, he could not see the cause of the dogs barking. He went back into his relaxed mode and forgot the distant barking dogs.

            This female subject, with a red dress on, was walking down the street toward us with two dogs on a lead. She did have a plastic bag in her hands and it appeared to have dog do-do in it. I knew from past experience that the Tres was going to bark unceasingly at these dogs. I took him inside before they got close enough for him to see them.

            Now you see how irritating this female subject was, to an ole senior person, causing me to need to get up from my chair and place the Tres indoors! She should not walk her dogs when I and the Tres are sitting outside!

            Prior to the irritating period, I had been thinking, if I had a motorcycle, I could go for a long ride. You know, one of those rides where the biker wasn’t going anywhere in particular, just riding to get away from the homestead.

            I considered, I could be heading down a long curvy road, and as I rode, I would be looking for rocks or gravel on the road. I would keep my eyes open for bad spots like holes in the pavement. I would always be watching the oncoming traffic. You always need to be vigilant of anyone in a vehicle at a cross road, and what about that vehicle behind you, the one who is in a hurry and wants to pass you. If you are riding with other bikers, you must keep a close eye on them, just in case they slow down suddenly.

            With all those thoughts going through my head, I wondered, is it really fun to ride a motorcycle, or is it just the challenge of, “Safely observing your surroundings?” One does need to be alert when riding!

            Back to reality; I did mow and weed eat the front yard yesterday. I might pick up the dog droppings from the back yard today, and see if the Ford’s ole riding mower will allow me to ride it. My favorite spouse and I did wash the Tres yesterday. He told us both thank you for the wash job, by shaking the water off his body, while he was standing between us. He got a bath; we got a shower!


                        I know it is difficult to do, but

                     try to be nice to someone today!


Senior ex-biker Don the Ford

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Hairless in Hewitt 09/26/2020

            As I was setting outside in my chair,

            Not surprised to see it next to me there,

            I always thought they had some hair,

            But a last, there was none there. 

I do have a couple photos that I found interesting. These photos should be worth at least ten or twelve words each.             First with a hat, then without!




            All acorns are bald, that is why they have a hat.

It is not over, wear your mask!

Senior photographer and frequent hand washer, Don the Ford

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday again? 09/24/2020

            It is Thursday morning and the Tres and I have completed or morning walk. We are not looking forward to the rest of the day as I will be required to do some work.

            Yesterday, I made the decision to get some ST. Augustine sod, and place it on the bare dirt around the patio and at the gate to the back yard. This sod will help keep Tres from walking or laying in the wet dirt. I also raised the Ford's ole gates so they could be opened either way. The new drive way is higher than the ole drive at the drive through gate, and with the higher cement, the ole gate would only open into the yard, now, after I raised it, it will open both ways.

            That is a lot of work for an ole retired senior person, and I still have some more dirty sod, I need to find places to place it. I must get my hands dirty when working with the sod.

            My favorite wife and I both have received this year's flu shots. If you haven't gotten yours, get off your butt and go get them! 😐

            New topic; I will attempt to attach a couple photos. As I was sitting outside the other day I observed the a humming bird, and when it landed I got a photo. After taking the humming birds photo, I saw a hawk on the fence out at the ditch behind the house and got a photo.


            There are some purple flowers on which water drops were displayed. Molly was getting a drink of water from the flowers.


            Then we have a photo of the Tres who was napping on the Ford's ole couch!


            As you can see, even the Ford's ole pot hound enjoys the occasional nap.

            Topic change; back in the olden days, I was a member of the Missouri National Guard, back in the late 60s and early 70s, during the Vietnam War. We practiced a lot in riot control. Basically, we wanted to disburse the mobs into smaller and smaller groups, eventually causing them to leave. We were also trained in the use of clubs. I remember the first thing they taught us was how to use the wrist strap. We learned to not put our hand through the strap, because if a person grabbed the club, and your wrist was inside the strap, they could pull you out of the formation. Using the strap correctly, one would have a more secure control of the club.


Carry a club, wear the mask, stay safe!


Senior club aficionado, yes, I have a club in my office, Don the Ford

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fall starts 09/23/2020

            Today is Wednesday, Fall started yesterday. I am writing this yesterday, but posting it today. Now I will let some of you think about that for a minute or two, I don’t want to get ahead of anyone. -            -           -           -            -           -           -           -           -           -           -Enough!

            Fall started yesterday, and I was surprised to learn, that things could fall, on the first day of Fall! The first day of Fall started unusually wet. We had rain on Monday (almost an inch) and when I awoke on Tuesday, Fall Day, it was still drizzling rain (the gage showed a total from Monday and Tuesday a little over 1-inch rain).

            Now that we have the back ground info out there, allow me to explain the results of what fell. I will also post a photo of the results of the fall. As I had ventured out into the light rain on the first day of Fall, I observed some litter that had been deposited on the Ford’s ole new drive way. There was something that looked like smashed red berries, possibly as many as 25. I somewhat believe, they may have been dropped from the pecan tree above the pavement.

            Now “cons”, (notice I left the Pe off) do not have anything red in them, so I know this litter is not from our tree, but more likely from birds who have been using our tree as a place to potty. Unfortunately, the rain had washed the stains from whatever the red things were, down the drive way. I did acquire a broom, and swept the litter off the driveway, but the stain did not go away. New drive way, stained on the first day of Fall!    Photo to follow.


            Homeowners insurance will not cover the cleaning of the new cement!

            Allow me to continue, as I change the subject, even though it is along the same line of thought. I did back the Ford’s ole chevy onto the Ford’s ole new driveway for the first time Tuesday. After dismounting the vehicle, I noticed a tire track already on the pavement. Yes, there will be a photo. I guess our desire to keep the new cement clean and white, is now a thought from the past. Tire tracks, and red spots, (ok they were purple spots, but red is easier to spell) all over the Ford’s ole new drive!


            Spring has sprung, summer has gone, Fall is wet and dirty! Fall, don’t believe it, they are saying it will be in the low 90s starting Monday. Fall in Texas can be many different things.


Enjoy Fall, but not a fall down fall!


Senior fall-ologist and silly grandpa, Don the Ford

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Lonely Seniors 09/22/2020

            In the olden days, there was a song, "Mister Lonely". The following was created for all seniors and their family members, after thinking about the song.

                        "Seniors are Lonely"!

            Lonely, we are so Lonely,

            We have neighbors but we feel all alone,

            Now when you are so lonely, completely lonely,

            You wish you had someone to call on the phone,

            Yes, we are seniors, ole lonely seniors,
            Forced to stay home, through no will of our own,

            That's why we are lonely, oh so lonely,
            We wish we weren't forced, to stay here at home,

            We've been forgotten, yes, forgotten,
            That's why we're lonely, here at home all alone, 

            In need of donations, so many donations,

            Through no fault of our own,

            Maybe a burger, you know a big burger,

            Wow, a big burger with fries,

            Just the thought of that burger, makes one cry,

            Onions, did you say onions, please put the onions on the side,

            Maybe that's why we are lonely, oh so lonely,

            All those onions, can make one cry, 

            Lonely, we are so Lonely!


            I do like to write! 😊


            We are getting some rain, which will clean the street of the dirt from the construction work. They did come and get the porta potty yesterday. We will likely get some sod to cover some of the bare dirt, as the pot hound Tres will walk in the mud then want to come into the house.

            We will drive on the driveway today, hope it don't break!


Enjoy a good nap, it makes you nicer!


Senior writer of all kinds of stuff, Don the Ford

Monday, September 21, 2020

Cement Finished 09/21/2020

            The cement work is complete but there is more work to do. The edges around the cement will need more dirt and grass, and I need to get a sprinkler person out here to check and adjust a few sprinklers. A few photos follow.

            Patio with nothing placed on it yet.


            Walk way from street to house.


            Drive way street to garage.


            Drive way from back yard to street.


            Drive way from back yard to garage door.


            Now I need to get everything back in place, we will start using the drive Monday. Grass and dirt need my attention. I did get everything mowed yesterday (Sunday).

            It is now time for a short nap (Sunday afternoon) and then a little reading.


Thanks for looking and reading.


Senior nap taker and coffee drinker, Don the Ford


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday message 09/20/2020

            How do I start this message? It was Saturday, and my wife and I had gone to town to pick up a couple items. When we returned home, I messed around with the sprinkler system, wanting the see it they, the contractors, had covered or damaged any sprinkler heads. I set the system up to run for 5 minutes for each area. As the system went from one area to the other, I would check the heads. I did need to uncover a couple heads. That task finished I decided to read the bible, which I do every day. I had just completed reading when the contractor showed up, wanting to be paid.

            My wife answered the door and she told him, “He is in the office reading the bible”, she called me to the door. We discussed the work they had done, I gave in, and wrote a check for over $750.00. He handed me a receipt and started to walk away, when he stopped, turned and said to me, “Keep reading the bible, Jesus is real”! I noted that I read every day.

            He then took his hat off and said again, “God is real”. He explained that his son was basically dead and now he is alive. I listened. He said in 2018, his son was shot 7 times in the chest and face. He said someone called him and said his son had been shot. He asked if his son was ok and he was told no. He asked that they hold the phone so he could talk to his son. The son said, “I am not going to make it dad”. He then asked his son to pray with him, he heard his son say, “Jesus Christ”, and nothing else.

            He told me his son was in the hospital in a coma for 15 days. He said he prayed to God that his son would be allowed to wake up, so he could ask for forgiveness, and then if God wanted to take him, he could.

            His son survived 6 bullets to the chest, and one to the face. He said his son is a prisoner in prison, and his son now preaches to the inmates.

            Wow, what an unexpected testimony!


God is real, believe!

Don Ford

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Photos from the demolition 09/17/2020

            Photos, few words.

Front walk way. How do you like the new stepping stone affect for the walkway? It isn’t, it is broken cement!

Back patio ready.


The entire drive way has been demolished and hauled away. View of drive from security camera.


I watched the work, most of the day, from the cameras. You are right, “I am Cool”!


Cameras everywhere these days!


Don the Ford

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Destruction 09/16/2020

            The contractor called yesterday and asked if they could bring a tractor over and leave it overnight, we said yes. This morning the have started the demolishing of the drive, it sounds like they are demolishing the house. I went out and took a photo of some of the work.


            I told one of the workers I had changed my mind and for them to put it all back, he said NO!  I did warn all the neighbors about the noise. This drive was put in place over 41 years ago, there is no rebar in the cement.

            Now there is a porta potty sitting in our front yard.

            They have finished the destruction at the patio, and he has moved to the walkway out front. They have now paused the destruction of the driveway, and have began loading the rubble into the dump truck.

            With all this noise I don’t think there will be any nap time today.


Let’s hope all goes as planned!


Senior non nap taker, Don the Ford

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Driveway, sidewalk, patio 09/15/2020

            As the informed reading public knows, I have made attempts at getting bids to rework the Ford’s ole driveway. One of the things that amazed me is, not all contractors would bid. I called, they said they would be there at a given time/day, and they did not come. That said, we have agreed with a concrete contractor to replace the drive way, the sidewalk and the patio. Why do I refer to the walk as a sidewalk? The walk goes from the front porch to the curb; it isn’t beside anything.

            I had in a previous posting, indicated that the new driveway would probably cost more than $500. I can now report that all the concrete work will cost more than $750. If you want to help my favorite spouse, who will need to work overtime gathering aluminum cans, in order for us to pay for this, you may make donations! Please, any donations should be in $100 amounts, make the checks out to The Ford Foundation, Cement replacement.

            I need to move a bunch of stuff from and around the patio, prior to their arrival. Too much work for this ole retired senior person.


            Subject change; this is an ole memory of a car wreck in which I was driving.


            In the photo we see the demolished bridge that went across the Mississippi river, from Cape Girardeau Mo. to Illinois. When I was a teenager I was driving from Illinois to Missouri when a vehicle stopped in front of me, and I ran into the back of that vehicle. My wreck did not demolish the bridge, that occurred many years later. If you look closely you may see the new bridge in the photo.


            I need to get to work clearing the patio.


Expect less, enjoy more!


Senior patio stuff mover, Don the Ford

Monday, September 14, 2020

Be leaf it or not 09/14/2020

            How did you like that title line?

            Did you understand the words, “Be leaf it or not”, was to mean, “Believe it or not”! You, the reading public, are all very intelligent so I believe you did understand the wording.

            Now we get to the reason for the title line. As I was sitting on the Fords ole outside rocker, you know the one, it is positioned near the garage door, and it is where I enjoy a diet coke with a small amount of adult beverage in it. There was a slight breeze which made the sitting outside more enjoyable, and the neighborhood was very quiet.

            I became aware of a sound, a sound as if someone was walking down the street, but there was no one there. As the sound came closer, I was able to see the perpetrator, it was a leaf. Now this was one of those larger leaves, possibly 8 inches long, and very dry. Now it is not unusual to see and hear a leaf being blown down the street by a light breeze, but this event was different.

            The leaf seemed to be happily bouncing down the street, when it got to our driveway, it turned, and came into the drive way about ten feet, then it stopped. Now you know why it caught my attention, it was as if it came for a visit. I felt happy to have a visitor for a change, even if it were an ole, dry, leaf. I, being satisfied to have a, “Be leaf it or not visitor”, settled back in my chair and enjoyed another sip of the diet coke!   All was well for the senior Ford.

            Please allow me to alter the subject; the next subject will be, “Cat Bird”! this is a memory of olden times. Back in the olden days, when I was a kid, you know about 300 years ago, I can remember people talking about a, “Cat Bird. Now I had never seen or heard the sound from a “Cat Bird”.

            Present day experience; I now believe I have heard the sound of the, “Cat Bird”. When I am outside and the birds are making noise, I occasionally hear what sounds like a small cat that is in trouble. A sound as if the small cat can’t find its mother. Heck when I first heard the sound, I walked to the back fence assuming I would see a kitten in the ditch, but no kitten.

            I have since decided that the sound is coming from a bird, probably a mocking bird. The sound does sound like a small cat, hence, “Cat Bird”!

            Please allow a second subject change. The Tres and I went for our morning exercise walk this morning. We were a couple blocks from home when I observed a peppermint lying on the street. It appeared to be in good condition, not crushed and still in its wrapper. Yes, it was tempting, but I was able to reject the idea of picking the peppermint up and enjoying it.  

            We walked on and were on our way back home when this vehicle, with a female driver, came flying down the street. Tres and I walk facing the traffic, there was another vehicle parked on the opposite side of the street, and this female did not slow down, and in my opinion, came too close to us.

            Getting closer to home we met a neighbor lady, walking up the street. When we came close enough to exchange greetings, I said, “if you are interested, there is a peppermint laying in the street”. She looked at me as if I were silly, and I am, then she noted that she did not like peppermints.


            I guess that is it for now, I will go get a cup of coffee and take a break!


A new week, a new you!


Senior blog author and use to be nice guy, Don the Ford

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday enlightenment 09/13/2020

            Allow me to present a concept about answers to prayer.

            This presentation has no particular religious group in mind. Religious or not, you should read this concept, then make up your mind as too whether the concept is correct or not.

            People pray about many things, very often it is a medical situation. As I see it, often there is one of three responses.

            One; prayer answered and there is a miracle. This would be immediate and complete. This would be evidence of much faith, and does not happen very often. 

            Two; prayer is answered, the body begins repairing itself. I like to say, due to faith in your prayer, the switches in your brain are turned on, and the body begins the repair process. This can take a few weeks for a complete healing of the body.

            Three; prayer is answered with the person understanding, they should seek help as in going to a doctor. When you don’t get an immediate Miracle, when you know your body isn’t repairing itself, you go to the doctor!


            Prayer, is available to everyone.




            Don Ford

Saturday, September 12, 2020

More observations 09/12/2020

            Possibly my title line should have been, “A deterrent”!

            As the Tres and I walk each morning, often prior to sunrise, we observe many things, some interesting, and some not. One thing we have noticed are the ring doorbell buttons. As one walks along the street it is obvious who has the ring doorbell and who does not. Those houses with the ring doorbell have a round light, at the door which I assume is around the doorbell button. Now I have not walked up to anyone’s door to view these devices, but I can tell you they are popular on our street.

            If we were employed, like you real people, we could also afford to have a device to help us keep bad people away from our door. Maybe they make a fake ring button that only cost a couple dollars, which might help us retired ole people on a fixed income to keep the bad people away.


            Subject change; with all that rain, well over 8 inches in just a few days, our yards have decided to start growing again. I may need to get the Ford’s ole mower out and walk back and forth over both the yards. If there is a good part to this, the sprinkler system has been turned off, which means we may save enough money to be able to purchase some food this week.


            Well, it is Saturday, a day of rest for you real people, but us retired ole senior people never get a day to rest. The CEO here at the Ford’s Homestead continually assigns work to me.


May your CEO take a day off!


Senior doorbell observer, and looking at you, Don the Ford