I know, you didn’t even look at the title line, so I will attempt to write this soon to be wonderful article, in a way that you may understand what the title line had reference too. We here at the Ford Homestead had a very nice, and I would like to say, Blessed weekend.
We had several calls from friends and family, and we also made calls to friends and family. At one point my spouse went to the front door and there was two large containers of disinfectant wipes sitting there. There was a short note on the disinfectants saying, thanks for the bird houses. Click to enhance the photo of an artistic version of a bird house.
We needed some trash bags, so we called David and when they went to the store early Sunday morning they were able to get us some trash bags. As you may understand, many normal process have come to a halt during this time of solitary confinement, sorry I may have used the wrong word, it should have been, voluntary confinement. The one thing that seems to stay the same, or possibly may have increased, is the creation of trash.
In the olden days (olden days are defined as time before the last three weeks) my spouse of soon to be 51 years and I, would eat out three times a week. That meant we would not have left overs or other trash from those meals. Staying in solitary, I mean voluntary confinement seems to have increased the trash / garbage amounts vastly.
We very much feel blessed having good neighbors, friends and family during this time of Isolation.
Sunday, I had decided to cut some pieces of the scrap wood for two reasons. First I decided I would like to have pieces for a pattern. It is easier to take a pattern, lay it on the piece of wood, and draw around that pattern than to measure and draw using a ruler and square. Second, I wanted to make a bird house and paint it to see if a painted house looked better than bare scrap wood.
I had the ole chop saw set up on the drive way when it started to rain. By the time I was able to get the chop saw into the garage, and roll up the windows on my favorite wife’s vehicle, the rain stopped.
Different subject; I observed Charlie run up a tree so I reached for the ole kind of smart phone to get a photo. By the time I got it on, and ready to take a photo, Charlie was coming down, click to enhance.
It is supposed to rain this afternoon so I may attempt to mow the front yard this morning. No I do not intend to mow the back 40.
Suggestion; take a moment to call a friend or neighbor that you haven’t spoken with lately. It might make their day, and I know it will make you feel positive having lifted someone spirits!
Stay in contact with your family and friends!
Senior blessed person and almost nice guy; Don Ford
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