
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Listen and learn 03/26/2020

            In this soon to be well written article, there will be a couple items that you need to listen to, and learn from. Now before you ask, “How can you listen and learn”, since I am reading this exceptional article, it is simple, listen to whet you are reading. We know you read out loud, so just listen to what you are reading!
            Masks, cheap and other wise.
            The question is, should you wear a mask when you are around other people, such as going to the grocery store. The answer, (not provided by your government, yet I provide it to you), is yes! Allow me to explain. When you are around people, if you wear a mask, cheap or otherwise, the mask its self will be a reminder to you, keep your hands away from your face. Simple and easy, that’s alright, you don’t need to thank me, although it would be appreciated.
            Social distancing.  
            The government bunch are saying stay 6 feet apart. Actually, I agree on this subject, but unlike the government bunch, I will provide you with information as to how to accomplish proper social distancing. May I interject a thought of something before I continue? What if you were a 19 year old boy or girl while this social distancing is going on? These 19 years old kids can’t go out on a date! No parking and no kissing! Wow!
            I have invented a tool to address the social distancing process, photo to follow, click to better understand.
            What? How does the walking stick provide a correct social distancing? Normal people can understand but for you I will explain. Let’s say you are in your yard and the neighbor comes over. As this person approaches, you hold the walking stick out, pointing it at the neighbor, and the 4 foot walking stick will not allow said neighbor to come closer than the distance of the stick.
            What? Yes the stick is 4 foot and the government bunch recommend 6 foot apart. Think for a second, how long is your arm, let’s say your arm is 2 feet, and now add the length of the walking stick, (4 + 2 = 6)!       Why do I even try! 

            Different subject, yesterday I decided I would attempt to make this ole senior body get outside and do a little yard work. First I grabbed the string trimmer and began trimming the back 40. There was a lot of trimming that needed to be done. Completing the back 40, I filled the gas tank and headed for the front yard. My poor ole senior body was dragging as I finished the front yard trimming. I decided to see if my ole body could get the walk behind mower out and mow the front yard. Luckily, I was able to get the front yard completed.
            It was time for lunch, would you believe all we had was a couple bits of food. After those few bits, I was able to drag my ole body to the Fords ole recliner for a short nap, knowing I still needed to mow the back 40. 
            After the short nap I tried to get out of the ole recliner, it was a difficult process as the ole body was stiff and hurting from the morning work. The back 40 mowing was not too bad as I was on the Ford’s ole riding mower. The back 40 looks better now, photo to follow.

            Some of us are getting a lot done now that we are staying at home.

Don’t sit and worry, get up and do something!

Senior yard worker and almost nice guy, Don Ford


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