This is the day that most people do not like, the day when some of us lose an hour. FYI, not every area changes to the Daylight wasting time. I awoke as usual at the normal time knowing it was now one hour earlier. Now Tres and the cats were not aware of the time change, but they went along with the change and ate their food as if nothing had happened. I wonder if I will be hungry at the new lunch time.
News: The so called news has two things to complain about now, the virus and the president. I am tired of hearing about both subjects. It would be good to get proper news about the virus, and not hear the same information over and over. The way it seems to me, we senior persons are the ones who need to worry. I can’t say for sure, but it may be one of the political parties who are courting the young people, that may have paid to have the virus created. If they can get rid of enough senior persons, then their socialist party might win the presidency. I can’t say that is a true statement, just a thought.
Kind of along the same line, there was some so-called news about people being ordered to stay in their homes for a period of time, although it isn’t a full-fledged quarantine. The reporter was in his apartment saying how it was very lonely not being able to go where he wants. I considered for a moment, what it would be like being isolated from others. Then it dawned on me, heck, although I am not isolated from others, there are days which pass that I only have contact with family, and that is not all bad. We senior persons do wave at each other across the street from time to time.
New topic; I have decided to consolidate the stories that I have written onto a single thumb drive. I moved one story that is an explanation of how time began, to the thumb drive. That story is about 65 pages long. I found another story about my time in the National Guard. In truth, I had forgotten that I had written this short story. Then I found a beginning of an instructional booklet about mowing ones yard, odd, yes! Heck, I have no idea how many short stories I have written.
Subject change; we are drying up from the recent hard rains, and the wonderful prognosticators are predicting possible rains all this week. The prognosticators should learn to predict warm and dry weather at least every other week.
Happy Time Change!
Senior lonely but not yet quarantined anti socialist; Don Ford
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