
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Moving flowers 03/25/2020

            It was a nice Tuesday, the morning cloudiness gave way to a bright and very warm sun. My spouse of more than half a century decided she wanted to go to the grocery store, I, not wanting to be left at home alone, offered to be her chauffeur. I do not mind being someone’s chauffeur, I do not like getting out and opening the door so she can get out, would you believe, “People stared at me”. Actually, they may have been looking at the chauffeur type cap I was wearing, and not so much at me. If I am going to do the job, I am going to dress the part!

            After helping my first wife get out of the vehicle and get across the traffic lane, I then jumped back into the vehicle and found a parking spot fairly close to the store entrance. That way I can watch everyone going and coming while I wait for my present spouse to exit the store.

            Needless to say, as soon as I observed her exit the store I jumped from the vehicle and took charge of the cart, placing all the items in the rear seat. I then immediately retrieved the bottle of hand sanitizer and applied it to her hands. When she was once again inside the vehicle would you believe, I helped her with her seat belt and made sure she was comfortable prior to starting toward the Ford’s Homestead.

            As we entered Hewitt drive I inquired as to whether she had purchased the postal stamps. We had three letters in the vehicle that we needed to mail. She responded with, I forgot to get the stamps, to which I replied, “We will drive to the post office and get some stamps and at the same time we can mail the letters”. That seem to satisfy her as she was no longer crying. We were able to get the stamps and mail the letters.

            Returning home I decided to attempt to get my ole senior body to endeavor to move those very heavy flowers in the flower pots, from the back 40 to the front yard. I pushed, pulled and strained every part of this ole senior person’s body attempting to move the flower pots. Most of the pots did go to the front yard, we left a couple in the flower beds in the back 40.

            There is the one big flower that I was able to get out of the hot house. I will probably attempt to move it by myself using a two wheeler, but the ground will need to be dry as the two wheeler would sink into the yard as wet as it is.

            Speaking of wet, the back yard needs to be mowed again, but it was too wet yesterday, and will possibly be too wet today. I kind of wish I had not fertilized the entire back 40, as it is growing like crazy. No it isn’t growing like me, I am not crazy, I am silly!

            Mission accomplished, I retired to the Ford’s ole recliner and forced myself to take a nap.

            About happy hour my favorite wife and I along with Tres sat outside for a while enjoying the afternoon, and watching all the people who are supposed to stay in their homes walk and ride bikes up and down the street.

            All in all, it was a good day!


Stay safe, assume everyone has it!

                    You should know what “it”, is, and some of the information in this article, may not have been factual.


Senior tired, worn-out, yet all around nice guy, Don Ford


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