
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Voluntary Confinement 03/18/2020

            Not that you asked, my spouse and I have stayed at home the last few days. Donna made homemade chicken noodle soup and a black berry cobbler, not for health reasons but because we like it! As senior ole retired people on a fixed income, the chicken soup and cobbler is all we have to eat for the remainder of this Confinement. Go to our non-existing web site to make donations. 
            I did get outside yesterday and worked in the yard, and took the dog for a walk. It is ok to get outside and have some fresh air, but don’t over work. I cut the jasmine yesterday, it was from 1 to 1 ½ foot tall, and is now about 6 inches tall. Will it come back, I think it will, but if it don’t that is ok too.
            As I said, go outside and enjoy some yard work, but don’t work too hard.

            Our neighbor just texted us saying she was going to the grocery store and asked if we need anything. There are nice people in this world and in our neighborhood!
          If you have an older neighbor that needs or might need some help, give them a call and check on them. If you know someone who lives alone, even if they are not in your neighborhood, give them a call, it will make them feel good that you have thought about them.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself!

Senior retired and voluntarily confined person; Don Ford


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