For some reason I began to think about words with “UN” in front of them. Unload, to remove something from a load, Unlock, to remove a lock, Unleash to turn lose. As you may see there are many words that have “UN” at the beginning, and most of these words seem to make sense. It seems as if the “UN” in these words means to basically change something 180 degrees. For the one person that doesn’t comprehend 180 degrees, basically it could mean reversing something. Then I thought about the word under. What is a, “der”?
Alternate subject; I had the colonoscopy yesterday, “Everything came out ok”! For that one reader, that was a joke, “Everything came out ok”, is in reference to the thing they inserted, it came out, get it? I was awake through much of the procedure. They had three monitors to observe, and I watched the process. The Doctor said he would see me in 7 or 8 years.
Additional subject; I had one of the Ford’s ole chain saws out on Saturday. Now that the Ford’s ole Fort K is demolished, the ole tree stump that was a corner part to the ole fort needs to be removed. I began by removing small pieces that my ole senior retired body would be able to pick up and carry, photo to follow.
If you look at what’s left of the standing stump above, you should notice that there are two areas where I have cut the limbs off. I found some natural art work on the cuts, see the following photos.
In the first photo I see a bird flying. The dark area is a crack in the center of that limb. In the second photo I see either a grand daddy long leg spider, or, what we in Missouri called a mosquito hawk. You may see nothing at all, or you may see something else, use your own imagination.
Have you heard that there is some kind of virus going around, and it is kind of like the flu but it affects your lungs more! As with most viruses and other illnesses, they affect the senior and unhealthy population more than the young and healthy population. Have you ever thought, these viruses may be created in an effort to, “Remove the senior and unhealthy population”? Are you ready for the virus? Photo to follow!
May everything come out for you!
Senior chain saw handler, and nature art critic; Don Ford
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