
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Some will not ask 03/31/2020

               I was watching the TV and they were talking about the number of people who may need some type of help, but may not ask for help. There are probably many people who need some help, or just a call, but will not ask and may not initiate a call. Think about the people you know, give them a call, and help them if you can.

            It rained a lot yesterday, and even though it did not get rid of all the crap on the street at the curb, (crap is crud that has fell and is falling from the trees) it did wash the Ford’s ole white Chevy. Our white Chevy, was mostly green due to the wonderful pollen from the trees, now it is white again.
            Speaking of white and rain, as the rain was falling yesterday, I saw a lady out walking in the rain, partially dressed in white. That is definitely wanting to get those steps in, if you walk in the rain. Photo to follow.

            We have seen many people and kids walking and riding bikes up and down the street, when it isn’t raining. These are people we have never seen before. One couple walking down the street, stopped and asked if they could take a photo of our dog. They did not want to get a photo of Tres, they wanted a photo of our skeleton dog. We granted permission for the photo.

Hang in there, we will get through this!

Senior stay at home retired person, and want to be nice guy, Don Ford


Monday, March 30, 2020

What a weekend 03/30/2020

            I know, you didn’t even look at the title line, so I will attempt to write this soon to be wonderful article, in a way that you may understand what the title line had reference too. We here at the Ford Homestead had a very nice, and I would like to say, Blessed weekend.
            We had several calls from friends and family, and we also made calls to friends and family. At one point my spouse went to the front door and there was two large containers of disinfectant wipes sitting there. There was a short note on the disinfectants saying, thanks for the bird houses. Click to enhance the photo of an artistic version of a bird house.
            We needed some trash bags, so we called David and when they went to the store early Sunday morning they were able to get us some trash bags. As you may understand, many normal process have come to a halt during this time of solitary confinement, sorry I may have used the wrong word, it should have been, voluntary confinement. The one thing that seems to stay the same, or possibly may have increased, is the creation of trash.
            In the olden days (olden days are defined as time before the last three weeks) my spouse of soon to be 51 years and I, would eat out three times a week. That meant we would not have left overs or other trash from those meals. Staying in solitary, I mean voluntary confinement seems to have increased the trash / garbage amounts vastly. 
            We very much feel blessed having good neighbors, friends and family during this time of Isolation.
            Sunday, I had decided to cut some pieces of the scrap wood for two reasons. First I decided I would like to have pieces for a pattern. It is easier to take a pattern, lay it on the piece of wood, and draw around that pattern than to measure and draw using a ruler and square. Second, I wanted to make a bird house and paint it to see if a painted house looked better than bare scrap wood.
            I had the ole chop saw set up on the drive way when it started to rain. By the time I was able to get the chop saw into the garage, and roll up the windows on my favorite wife’s vehicle, the rain stopped.
            Different subject; I observed Charlie run up a tree so I reached for the ole kind of smart phone to get a photo. By the time I got it on, and ready to take a photo, Charlie was coming down, click to enhance
            It is supposed to rain this afternoon so I may attempt to mow the front yard this morning. No I do not intend to mow the back 40.

            Suggestion; take a moment to call a friend or neighbor that you haven’t spoken with lately. It might make their day, and I know it will make you feel positive having lifted someone spirits!

Stay in contact with your family and friends!

Senior blessed person and almost nice guy; Don Ford


Sunday, March 29, 2020


Love your neighbor         03/29/2020


The following is from the bible in Mark.

12:28   A scribe asked, “What commandment is the foremost of all?”

12:29   Jesus answered, “The foremost is, Hear, O Israel! The lord our God is one Lord;

12:30   Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

12:31   The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' there is no commandment greater than these."


            Loving your neighbor as yourself is found eight times in the Bible. Not once. Not twice. Eight times. Loving your neighbor as yourself is so important to God that He not only repeats Himself, He makes it a command. And not just one in a list of many commands. Jesus coupled the command to love your neighbor as yourself with loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. 


            During this time, when we are all expected to stay mostly confined to our homes, and to stay a safe distance from others, it seems to me that the commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself”, is even more important.

            Love your neighbor in part can mean, check on the welfare of your neighbor, help them when you can, be there for your neighbor in the way you would want them to be there for you!

            Some of the neighborly actions that have occurred to us here at the Homestead are: 

            One neighbor was going to one of the local eating establishments and they ask if we want them to bring us something for supper. We said yes, and when they returned with the food I offered to pay for the food. They would not take any money saying, “We love you guys”!

            A different neighbor called and asked how you doing on toilet paper. I noted we are getting low but okay right now. A few minutes later they left toilet paper at our front door.

            Several neighbors have called saying they we're going to the store, asking do you need anything at all.

            A different neighbor called just to ask how we are doing, wanted to know if we were ok and talked for a while.

            Even a different neighbor who lives a couple blocks away called, and said she was going to the store, did we need anything. We noted that we could use a bag of potatoes and some Clorox wipes, but we know the stores don’t have the wipes. This neighbor brought a 5 pound bag of potatoes and a container of the Clorox wipes. She noted that they had two containers of the wipes at their house and she gave us one.


Even though a neighbor may not state that they love one another, it seems to me that they do!          


      “Love your neighbor as yourself”!


Don Ford


Saturday, March 28, 2020

Bird houses 03/28/2020

            As I had previously stated, I had cut the needed pieces of ole wood to make three bird houses. Friday I went out and drilled the holes in the front of the houses (one as a door and one for a perch). I did have the nails and screws I needed so no trip to the store.
            One of our neighbor’s had visitors, his son, daughter-in-law and a five year old grandson. I gave the neighbor all the pieces needed to make a bird house, and suggested that he might want to build the bird house with his grandson. I also suggested that they could write their names and dates on the inside. 
            I then started putting the other two houses together. I used nails on some parts and screws on other parts.
            I was able to get them put together and offer them to the neighbor next door as they have three kids and they might like to have a couple bird houses. The neighbor thought they might like painting and drawing things on the houses.
            Our son David came over to help me move a big flower. We moved it to the front yard but could not get it to stand securely. We noticed that a portion of the bottom of the flower pot was broken. We then moved it to the back yard in an area where the wind may not affect it as much, Donna said she would try to replant the flower in a new pot. David also brought us some T P (aka toilet paper) that he was able to purchase at a local big box store.
            Allow me to comment on, the ole Ford’s confinement. As you might know, we are not allowed to leave the Homestead, forced to stay inside all day, except at happy hour. As I sit inside the Homestead I do have the ability to see what is going on outside. I have a photo of my monitor showing 4 of the 8 camera views, click the photo to enrich.
            It isn’t the same as being outside, but it does possibly keep me further away from the virus. You know we aren’t really confined to the homestead, and we can go outside any time we want to, don’t you!

Stay safe, wash a lot, and enjoy happy hour!

Senior bird house manufacture and almost nice guy, Don Ford


Friday, March 27, 2020

How do we celebrate 03/27/2020

               Now I see you have read the title line and you have a question. Yes I can read your mind, I know you are wondering, “Celebrate what”! Well, I can tell you, it is not celebrating this staying at home and wondering about the virus. You know, me staying at home isn’t much different from normal, but for my wife of over 50 years it is tough. She usually goes to get groceries two different days, at two different stores, and then on Friday (today) she would go to various stores, often visiting with people she knows and don’t know.
               Back to the title line, how do we celebrate, our anniversary? On April 5th, 1969, my favorite girlfriend became my favorite wife!  Somehow I doubt that the home confinement due to the virus situation will be over in 9 days. I suggested that we would do some type of celebration after the confinement is over.
               As I was sitting outside yesterday contemplating all the world problems, I noticed a bird, he was a black grackle. Normally the male grackles are out strutting their stuff, showing the long new feathers they have on their tail, but this fellow was just looking for food. Photo to follow, note that the bird is so black that he appears to have blue in his color. Click to enhance.
               We received a toilet paper contribution yesterday afternoon. We are blessed with good neighbors who are also good friends!

               What did I do yesterday, I brought the Ford’s ole chop saw from the shed to the driveway, along with some scrap wood from the kid’s ole fort. Me and the saw had a couple problems but I was able to solve the problem. Using scrap wood I cut the pieces for three feathered friend residence (aka bird houses). Hopefully I will have the nails and screws needed to put them together today.

May you have good neighbors too!

Senior feathered friends residence constructor, Don Ford  


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Listen and learn 03/26/2020

            In this soon to be well written article, there will be a couple items that you need to listen to, and learn from. Now before you ask, “How can you listen and learn”, since I am reading this exceptional article, it is simple, listen to whet you are reading. We know you read out loud, so just listen to what you are reading!
            Masks, cheap and other wise.
            The question is, should you wear a mask when you are around other people, such as going to the grocery store. The answer, (not provided by your government, yet I provide it to you), is yes! Allow me to explain. When you are around people, if you wear a mask, cheap or otherwise, the mask its self will be a reminder to you, keep your hands away from your face. Simple and easy, that’s alright, you don’t need to thank me, although it would be appreciated.
            Social distancing.  
            The government bunch are saying stay 6 feet apart. Actually, I agree on this subject, but unlike the government bunch, I will provide you with information as to how to accomplish proper social distancing. May I interject a thought of something before I continue? What if you were a 19 year old boy or girl while this social distancing is going on? These 19 years old kids can’t go out on a date! No parking and no kissing! Wow!
            I have invented a tool to address the social distancing process, photo to follow, click to better understand.
            What? How does the walking stick provide a correct social distancing? Normal people can understand but for you I will explain. Let’s say you are in your yard and the neighbor comes over. As this person approaches, you hold the walking stick out, pointing it at the neighbor, and the 4 foot walking stick will not allow said neighbor to come closer than the distance of the stick.
            What? Yes the stick is 4 foot and the government bunch recommend 6 foot apart. Think for a second, how long is your arm, let’s say your arm is 2 feet, and now add the length of the walking stick, (4 + 2 = 6)!       Why do I even try! 

            Different subject, yesterday I decided I would attempt to make this ole senior body get outside and do a little yard work. First I grabbed the string trimmer and began trimming the back 40. There was a lot of trimming that needed to be done. Completing the back 40, I filled the gas tank and headed for the front yard. My poor ole senior body was dragging as I finished the front yard trimming. I decided to see if my ole body could get the walk behind mower out and mow the front yard. Luckily, I was able to get the front yard completed.
            It was time for lunch, would you believe all we had was a couple bits of food. After those few bits, I was able to drag my ole body to the Fords ole recliner for a short nap, knowing I still needed to mow the back 40. 
            After the short nap I tried to get out of the ole recliner, it was a difficult process as the ole body was stiff and hurting from the morning work. The back 40 mowing was not too bad as I was on the Ford’s ole riding mower. The back 40 looks better now, photo to follow.

            Some of us are getting a lot done now that we are staying at home.

Don’t sit and worry, get up and do something!

Senior yard worker and almost nice guy, Don Ford


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Moving flowers 03/25/2020

            It was a nice Tuesday, the morning cloudiness gave way to a bright and very warm sun. My spouse of more than half a century decided she wanted to go to the grocery store, I, not wanting to be left at home alone, offered to be her chauffeur. I do not mind being someone’s chauffeur, I do not like getting out and opening the door so she can get out, would you believe, “People stared at me”. Actually, they may have been looking at the chauffeur type cap I was wearing, and not so much at me. If I am going to do the job, I am going to dress the part!

            After helping my first wife get out of the vehicle and get across the traffic lane, I then jumped back into the vehicle and found a parking spot fairly close to the store entrance. That way I can watch everyone going and coming while I wait for my present spouse to exit the store.

            Needless to say, as soon as I observed her exit the store I jumped from the vehicle and took charge of the cart, placing all the items in the rear seat. I then immediately retrieved the bottle of hand sanitizer and applied it to her hands. When she was once again inside the vehicle would you believe, I helped her with her seat belt and made sure she was comfortable prior to starting toward the Ford’s Homestead.

            As we entered Hewitt drive I inquired as to whether she had purchased the postal stamps. We had three letters in the vehicle that we needed to mail. She responded with, I forgot to get the stamps, to which I replied, “We will drive to the post office and get some stamps and at the same time we can mail the letters”. That seem to satisfy her as she was no longer crying. We were able to get the stamps and mail the letters.

            Returning home I decided to attempt to get my ole senior body to endeavor to move those very heavy flowers in the flower pots, from the back 40 to the front yard. I pushed, pulled and strained every part of this ole senior person’s body attempting to move the flower pots. Most of the pots did go to the front yard, we left a couple in the flower beds in the back 40.

            There is the one big flower that I was able to get out of the hot house. I will probably attempt to move it by myself using a two wheeler, but the ground will need to be dry as the two wheeler would sink into the yard as wet as it is.

            Speaking of wet, the back yard needs to be mowed again, but it was too wet yesterday, and will possibly be too wet today. I kind of wish I had not fertilized the entire back 40, as it is growing like crazy. No it isn’t growing like me, I am not crazy, I am silly!

            Mission accomplished, I retired to the Ford’s ole recliner and forced myself to take a nap.

            About happy hour my favorite wife and I along with Tres sat outside for a while enjoying the afternoon, and watching all the people who are supposed to stay in their homes walk and ride bikes up and down the street.

            All in all, it was a good day!


Stay safe, assume everyone has it!

                    You should know what “it”, is, and some of the information in this article, may not have been factual.


Senior tired, worn-out, yet all around nice guy, Don Ford


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Confined but not still 03/24/2020

            Well, as the reading public should know, we have had plenty of rain at the Ford Homestead of late. Saturday we had an inch, Sunday we had an inch, for that one mathematically challenged person, that is a total of two (2) inches in two days.
            Why would I start this wonderful article talking about rain, well I will enlighten you. When we get large amounts of rain, our back 40 will have some standing water for a day or so. Yes, if we had rain gutters we could direct the rain from the top of the house away from the back 40. We are retired senior people on a fixed income, and that should explain why we can’t afford gutters. Do you want to donate?
            Tres for some reason don’t want to walk through the standing water, instead he goes through the flower bed under the shrubs. He had a path through that area, and the path is mud when it rains. He gets mud on his feet, and then he wants to come into the house.
            I decided I should make Tres a path through the mud. Yesterday morning in the mud and water, I was forced, I mean allow to work outside. One might ask, “Where did The Don get the knowledge to build such a magnificent path way”. Years ago when I was a member of the National Guard, our unit was combat engineers. Now you know where I learned to place blocks. I have a photo for your enjoyment, click to enhance.
            For some reason, now that the blocks are in place, Tres will not use the path. I guess it looks different to him and now he will wade through the water.
            We may be confined and we may run out of food, but the blackberry patch has started to bloom even more. I guess we may need to survive on black berries, photo to follow. The blooms mean berries are coming. 
            My spouse bought some canned soup, but I haven’t been able to have any as she keeps cooking. Late evening she made homemade chili. Homemade is always better than canned, so I am not complaining. We are running low on toilet paper, and a couple other items so we may need to venture out today.
            I was alerted yesterday that the booze emporium which I have visited in the past, was going to close for a week. I did venture out yesterday and go through the drive through to get a bottle of tonic.
            Different idea:
            They tell us to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds, and it is suggested that you sing happy birthday twice in an effort to wash for 20 seconds.
            I have another suggestion. Instead of happy birthday, how about saying The Lord’s Prayer twice while washing. You will wash a little more than 20 seconds, so maybe your hands will be cleaner, and you may even feel better!

Stay active during your isolation period.

Senior social distance person and happy hour advocate, Don Ford


Monday, March 23, 2020

Now it begins 03/23/2020

               Someone approved the word, “Yesterday”. I know what day means, what does yester mean? Is there a, “Yesternight”? If not, why not? 
            We had visitors Sunday, Tres was happy to see someone other than me. We have a photo, click to enhance the Tres enjoyment.
            Our world has been moving toward using robots in many situations, often in jobs that are difficult or tedious. Yes these robots have replaced humans in those jobs. We have had robots or machines that were robotic in nature, doing all types of work. They not only cook burgers and fries at the burger joints, they give you money at the banks, and even drive cars and trucks. It is obvious that the robots would eventually do most if not all the work for the human population.  
            The virus that is threatening everyone, has now provided the world with a greater reason to have robots doing everything. A virus or disease will not affect a mechanical robot. The robots can continue to do their work, and the human population could stay quarantined for long periods. That being the case, as more robots are created over the next six years (2026), they become capable of repairing and replicating themselves, the human population has less to do, and are becoming almost nonessential.
            In the year 2030 some robots will become self-aware, and as such, they will consider themselves equal to humans. Those robots considering themselves equal to humans will also begin considering themselves as superior to Humans (2032).
            Something that you and I see as impossible today, will in 12 years be considered as normal and that is, humans will consider self-aware robots as their equal. The human population will grant equal rights to the robots. The self-aware robots will be able to vote, hold office, etc. 
            By the year 2036 the human population will be considered as non-essential, and many humans will be eliminated. All inmates in prisons and jails will be eliminated first. The second group to be eliminated will be the homeless. After that, anyone with an illness or disease that would require medical attention or medication will be eliminated. By the year 2038 the only humans left will be healthy people. 
            In the year 2040 the robots will begin to eliminate all humans, keeping some in zoo like settings.
            Now we see how present day events effect the future.   

Yep, you are probably right, the above is likely all fiction. Is it?

Senior person with an imagination,  Don Ford


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday morning post 03/22/2020

            A good neighbor and friend suggested we read and believe in the following from the Bible. We decided to share with you.

Psalm 91 

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper
and from the deadly pestilence
He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

You will not be afraid of the terror by night,
Or of the arrow that flies by day;
Of the pestilence that [a]stalks in darkness,
Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side
And ten thousand at your right hand,
But it shall not approach you.
You will only look on with your eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.
[b]For you have made the Lord, my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place.
10 No evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your

11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.


Having faith and a simple prayer will keep you and your family safe.


Don Ford


Saturday, March 21, 2020

White on Black 03/21/2020

            Before we get to the title line, let me say that Tres is doing much better, in fact, he is again being more like the north end of a south bound donkey. In the words that my grandkids use to describe me, “He is annoying”. We are glad he is doing better.
            Now let’s get to the title line, but first I should say that we received an inch of rain at the Ford Homestead. The title line is not racist, it is purely biological. Yesterday, when I was out in the back 40 surveying the area before the rains came, I noticed some small white blooms and I did get a photo to share with you, the reading public. I will post the photo for my, I mean your enjoyment.
            This professional photo was taken by me, at the Ford’s number one black berry bed. The second bed has not yet began to bloom. Now, most of you know what the title line means, but for that one person with a third grade education, (yes I graduated from the fourth grade ha ha), White on Black means, “white blooms on the black berry plants. Click to enhance the experience.
            There are a bunch of blooms beginning to pop up, which means we should have another good year for the black berries.
            I think staying at home and the fact it is too wet to get outside and work, is about to drive us both a little nuts. Maybe we can at least get in the Fords ole Chevy and go for a ride today.
If you get out and about, keep your distance!
Senior annoying retired person, Don Ford


Friday, March 20, 2020

How is he 03/20/2020

            Tres had not eaten or drank water since Tuesday evening. Wednesday I put his food out that morning and it was not touched. I am not totally sure but I had not seen him drink water during the day Wednesday. Thursday morning I called the vet and the doctor said bring him in at 8:00am, I did.
            The vet has new rules so I sat in the car and they came out and took the Tres. They had big masks on to keep from getting or sharing the virus. When they got to the door he looked back at me and did not want to go in. They got him inside. I sat out there in the Ford’s ole vehicle for almost an hour.
            They gave him a shot that should help he stomach settle down. They did a blood test and said everything looked ok. They sold us some meds that we need to give him every 8 hours, which is supposed to help his throat, if it is irritated. It took both of us to give him his first dose.
            Tres has not eaten anything Thursday and he has not drank any water. I have not seen him Potty. I called the vet Thursday afternoon and she said, bring him back. They gave him a laxative via suppository. They said he went a little. I brought him home and he went out in the back yard and he went a little more. Then he went and got a drink of water. When he came back in the house he got a large drink of water, still not eating. We are glad he is drinking water.

Friday: I put some of the can food in Tres bowl and he ate a little bit but not all. Donna and I gave him his medicine, we have to force his mouth open and he don’t like that. After giving the meds this morning he was looking at the container that have marshmallows and his treats in it. These treats are not on his special diet but we decided to see if he would eat it. He eat the marshmallows and the other treats. We decided if he would eat this, to try something else. We had Turkey for supper last evening, so Donna gave him some turkey and he ate it.
            We are to keep an eye on him and call the vet Friday morning. Drinking water and eating even if it isn’t on his special diet, is good. Let’s hope he gets totally better. 

            Now let’s talk about me! I have a photo and it is of me, you are welcome! Click to believe!
            I took this photo so you, the reading public, might enjoy thinking about a senior retired person and not that other stuff that is going around. As you review this photo of yours truly, you should be thinking that this senior retired person appears a little different. What has changed about this hansom ole fellow? No, you should not be looking at the ole Ford nose, which has always been there. You should have noticed that he shave the hair off his chin. Thanks for not noticing, what a friend!
            What? Yes that is my hat hanging on the wall behind me. Yes that is a dust and virus mask hanging on the door. What? You want to know what the orangish looking thing hanging behind me is. Not that it is any of your business, but it is the Tres dog lead.
            I try to provide you with a little personal photo, showing a slight change in the ole person, and you see everything but me. That is hurtful!  (Orangish evidently isn’t a word, so how did you know what I was writing about if it isn’t a word?)
Changing the subject; I am working on another theory about robots, but it will be published at a later date.

            Have a good weekend? What the heck are we going to do this weekend? Can’t go the local eating place for lunch or brunchI wonder if I have enough adult beverage to get me through this adversity.  

Get prepared, it will get worse before it gets better.
Stay home and be safe.
Senior blog author and all round nice guy; Don Ford


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Sick but not the virus 03/19/2020

            First let me state, my spouse of over half a century is not sick, and I am not sick! Tres is sick. Tres has not eaten anything yesterday and nothing this morning. I have the feeling he has a throat problem but I don’t know what the problem might be. I will call the vet this morning and try to get Tres over to the vet.

            I would rather stay at home and not be exposed to other people, but we don’t always get what we want.

            I understand that the vet has some new rules. When you arrive on the parking lot you are to stay in your vehicle, and call them. They will then come out to you and if you and the pet need to go inside they will escort you in, when there are no others in the office area. It sounds as if they are trying to keep the public and themselves safe. 

            Today is the start of spring and tomorrow is the first full day of spring, tomorrow the temperature is supposed to drop into the 40s. Spring is trying to sprang but is seems to have gone in to reverse. The cool temp is for one day only and then we get back to warm weather.

            I have removed all the flowers from the Fords ole hot house, except for one, assuming that spring will continue. There is one potted plant that is just too big, for an ole senior retired person on a fixed income, to move. This plant is about 90 pounds, is about 5 foot tall, and is wider than the door. (The plant itself is wider than the door not the pot.) I am hoping to get help from my son, as he help me put it in the hot house.

            I was speaking to a friend during happy time yesterday, staying 6 feet away from each other, and he noted that he had tilled up a garden spot. I was thinking about that and having a garden might be a good thing this year.

            I got my census paperwork yesterday. I will need to go on line and answer the questions. I may try to do that today.

            I think I have a skype account, I guess I should learn how to use it. Who the heck could I skype with? I guess a senior person would need friends, or at least people they know, in order to skype!


             Assume that everyone has the virus,

             That will help protect you and them!


Senior ole person who assumes; Don Ford
