
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Yard work 04/17/19

            I have several projects here at the homestead today. Yard work, aka mowing, is the big one. We had two days of rain, and then two days for the water in the back yard to soak into the ground. I might be able to mow a large part of the back yard, there are some spots that are still too wet to be walking on. The front yard is ready.

            I will be taking a few days away from the computer, so no annoying post from me, for a while. J

            “Would you believe,” that I am experimenting with not having any computers and cell phones in my life, for a few days, just to re-live the olden days. What would I do without a cell phone? Do other people know that we still have a house phone? I would need to wear a watch to know the time. Wow, no emails and no text messages, how would I know what other people are thinking? Would I relax and meditate on the world around me, or would I go completely nuts? Maybe Grandpa would not just be Silly Grandpa, I could be totally Crazy Grandpa.


          Devices, are they necessities are addictions?



Signing off for a few days!


Silly / Crazy Grandpa; Don Ford


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