
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Getting high 04/24/2019

            The title line, if you would have read it, should have got your attention. Since you did not read it until now, allow me to explain or should I say allow me to re-write it for you. The title line is, “Getting High”!
            Before that one person asks, no, I was not, nor am I now, high. I have not received the seeds I had requested for a cannabis plant, from the retired drug cop who lives two doors away. In short, I am not talking about me or my neighbors being, or getting high!
            The other day I was installing a new rope one the radio tower. I have a pulley at the top of this tower, which I had installed when I use to climb said towers, years ago. I still keep a rope through the pulley just in case I want to fly a flag or, as I have done in past years, have Christmas lights on the tower. Now days I have a rope light that is solar powered attached to the rope and at night the rope light flashes.
            As I was installing a new rope I happen to see a spider web going from the tip of an antenna beam to a limb of a tree. I tried to get a photo but the spider web did not show up. 
            This antenna is about 35 foot above the ground. I wonder how the spider was able to get the web from the antenna to the tree. It was too far to jump. Well I guess it will remain a mystery unless one of you valuable readers have an answer to the question.
            Back down to earth, I have a photo for your enjoyment. This photo can be a sticky subject. It is a cacti type plant that is beginning to bloom. There are actually several of these plants starting to bloom, but I have only this one photo. Click to get stuck!
            New subject: Did he just not think?
            Our neighbor, I don’t want to give his name but he is a medical doctor, parked his car across the street from his home. This morning I was attempting to get the paper, but it was raining like pouring it out of a boot. The rain was coming down hard, the water was running like a swift river down the street, curb high. (For that one person, the curbs are 8 inches high). Did I say it was lightening like crazy? Tres and I turned around and walked back into the homestead.
            Once we were back in the homestead we looked out at the rain and we observed the neighbor who had parked across the street. He had to get through the running water on this side of the street, cross the street and unlock his vehicle and get into his vehicle. Did I say he had no umbrella and no boots? I wonder why he did not park in his drive way, everyone has been told for almost a week that it would be raining this morning.

Listen to the weather people, sometimes they are accurate!

Sweetie Grandpa: Don Ford    sugar melts in the rain


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