For many of you, Friday is slow down day. By that I mean, you have work hard (for that one person, you work semi, no not semi, you almost worked) all week, and now that Friday is here, you are starting to reduce the output. I was considering the possibility that your employer should send you home at noon on Friday, but if that happened you would likely start the slow down on Thursday. The employer can’t win.
Preacher Ford:
Speaking of employers, if employers understood what the people who work for them knew, the company would likely be much more productive, have happier staff, and make more money.
Top management don’t have, or can’t take the time, to have face to face meetings with the working staff, so they rely on HR staff and local management to keep them informed.
Very few HR staff actually hold meaningful conversations with working staff. HR most often have presentations for the working staff and then try to respond to questions about the info presented during the meeting. All too often, if HR staff receive a comment from working staff they address the comment with local management.
Local management often think they are communicating with the working staff, but most often it is one way communication, downward.
Does the working staff have anyone to listen to their concerns?
Unfortunately, if working staff bring up a subject, the response to their comments are more often a reaction, not a lasting solution.
Back to my original thought, I began a process of re-working the ole work bench in the Ford’s ole garage yesterday. After clearing part of the bench, I then painted it white. I then added a shelf that had been removed from the Ford’s ole office. An old vise that is broken is now removed, and there is a plan to replace it with a wood working vise.
The bench looks so nice that I plan to continue the process today. So I can’t do what you are doing, “Slow down Friday”, I will be into “Continual working Friday!” Possibly I will have a photo at a later time of the progress in the Ford’s ole garage.
Slow down but don’t stop working!
Senior Homestead Preacher; Don Ford
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