Tuesday, April 30, 2019
So tired 04/30/2019
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Saturday 04/27/2019
Friday, April 26, 2019
Friday, slowdown day 04/26/2019
For many of you, Friday is slow down day. By that I mean, you have work hard (for that one person, you work semi, no not semi, you almost worked) all week, and now that Friday is here, you are starting to reduce the output. I was considering the possibility that your employer should send you home at noon on Friday, but if that happened you would likely start the slow down on Thursday. The employer can’t win.
Preacher Ford:
Speaking of employers, if employers understood what the people who work for them knew, the company would likely be much more productive, have happier staff, and make more money.
Top management don’t have, or can’t take the time, to have face to face meetings with the working staff, so they rely on HR staff and local management to keep them informed.
Very few HR staff actually hold meaningful conversations with working staff. HR most often have presentations for the working staff and then try to respond to questions about the info presented during the meeting. All too often, if HR staff receive a comment from working staff they address the comment with local management.
Local management often think they are communicating with the working staff, but most often it is one way communication, downward.
Does the working staff have anyone to listen to their concerns?
Unfortunately, if working staff bring up a subject, the response to their comments are more often a reaction, not a lasting solution.
Back to my original thought, I began a process of re-working the ole work bench in the Ford’s ole garage yesterday. After clearing part of the bench, I then painted it white. I then added a shelf that had been removed from the Ford’s ole office. An old vise that is broken is now removed, and there is a plan to replace it with a wood working vise.
The bench looks so nice that I plan to continue the process today. So I can’t do what you are doing, “Slow down Friday”, I will be into “Continual working Friday!” Possibly I will have a photo at a later time of the progress in the Ford’s ole garage.
Slow down but don’t stop working!
Senior Homestead Preacher; Don Ford
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Olden days 04/25/2019
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Getting high 04/24/2019
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
On my knees again 04/23/2019
You are correct if you thought, well his favorite spouse forced him to work again. Yesterday, my wife of half a century strongly suggested that a weed filled flower bed, one of two that had not been cleared, should be cleaned out. Would you believe, it was suggested that there would be no lunch or supper if the flower bed was not cleared?
I got my gloves and a couple other tools and proceeded to get down on my ole knees. After a short prayer I began pulling the weeds. I remember thinking yesterday morning, it was a good day for weeding the flower bed as it was cloudy and cool. I began the labor and after almost 5 minutes the sun broke through the clouds. I then acquired a long sleeved shirt and hat, to keep the sun off.
I put about 2 hours into that project. It wasn’t easy work as there were rose bushes with big thorns. I was able to get the flower bed cleared of most of the weeds, (there were no weeds, it was all Saint Augustine grass that was invading the flower bed) and I also picked up the weeds that my first spouse had pulled out of the other flower bed. Now all flower beds have been weeded, it is time to go back to the first flower bed and start over. It is a never ending process.
After all that work, I was allowed to have lunch.
The grand kids are back in school today so we are back on our regular schedule. Since I have to start the Ford’s ole Chevy to take Gabi to school, I might just venture forth to the star coffee shop for an expensive cup of coffee. I will not spend my own money there, but I will accept gift cards to use there, thusly I am using someone else’s money.
Different subject; Crazy people! Yesterday as I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker near the garage door on the driveway, I observed a tall clean looking female subject. This female had what appeared to be a black sleeveless shirt and blue jean shorts. The white skin on her arms and long legs stood out. I, naturally observed this person as she does not live in this neighborhood. During my observations I noticed that she was carrying a purse, you know the kind, with a long strap that fits over her shoulder.
This female subject was walking and talking, her arms and hands were moving as if she was in a conversation with someone who could see her. I assume she had ear buds in and I also assumed she was using a phone, conversing with someone.
There are people occasionally walking in our area to get a little exercise, but they never carry a purse. Now I wonder what she had in the purse. Could she be just an odd ball, did she have her protection in the purse (gun) or was she looking for small packages to steal from porches. I think the gun is most likely as she was drawing too much attention to herself to be a thief.
Walk and drive while off the cell phone!
Senior master detective and observer; Don Ford
Monday, April 22, 2019
Very good day 04/22/2019
Sunday, April 21, 2019
To begin, to end 04/21/2019
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Mowing explained 04/20/2019
Friday, April 19, 2019
Friday what do I do 04/19/19
Today is Friday, it is also Good Friday. What work projects could the first spouse have for me today. Yesterday, my spouse of half a century went to lunch with some of her friends, and I had to stay home and eat left overs. I am not complaining about eating left overs, but eating alone is not a happy situation for a retired senior citizen.
My favorite grandkids do not have school today, so they will be visiting here at the Ford Homestead. I, being a silly grandpa, will be available to aggravate and irritate them all morning. Their dad gets off work about noon on Fridays so he will pick them up and I will again be here alone. I will try to not cry too much, being here all alone. I will also attempt to mow the front yard, which should help me not be so lonely. I think the back 40 is probably too wet to be mowed today.
The wind was blowing like crazy again yesterday, and I again picked up the small limbs and leaves that have been blown out of the Red Oak Trees. I hope the wind is not as bad today so I can mow and not need to pick up items from the yard again.
The grand kids have arrived, I need to go. When I say go, I mean go to the coffee shop and get a cup of real coffee. No I am not trying to get away from the homestead, I just need a cup of real coffee!
Silly Grandpas are more fun than regular grandpas!
Senior silly Grandpa; Don Ford
Thursday, April 18, 2019
It must be the end 04/18/19
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Who cares 04/17/19
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Important information 04/16/19
Monday, April 15, 2019
Annoying posts are back 04/15/19
If you had read the previous posting, you would have read, “Would you believe, that I was getting away from the computer and cell phones in an attempt to re-live the olden days.” Some people understand that my comment, “Would you believe”, usually means, don’t believe the following statement.
I was off the computer for 4 days. I went to Missouri wanting to re-live some of the olden days. Yes it is a long drive, I spent a day going and a day coming home, for the one person who struggles with math, that means I was in Missouri for two days.
I don’t know if you know it or not, but, people in Missouri use computers and cell phones, just like the rest of us! Wow, who knew? I must still be a Missourian, I assume you know, Missouri is “The Show Me State”, and I was shown!
I did enjoy the visit as I stayed with Paul and Peggy (Paul is a nephew) and I visited with my two sisters and sister-in-law. It was an excellent but short visit!
I returned home to a bunch of projects like picking up all the small dead limbs that fell during the storm. So much to do, where do I start? After cleaning up outside, I have a project to paint the inside of my little ole office area, install a shelf and maybe create a couple more shelves. You may work from sun to sun, but an ole person’s work is never done!
I haven’t had a nap after lunch for 4 days, I am hoping to get one today.
Nap not and ye shall be sleepy!
Napless senior in Hewitt; Don Ford