
Monday, September 10, 2018

Nothing to right about 09.10.18

            If you are awake and being observant, you should have noticed the use of the word right. Should it have been write? Why is there two different rights?

            Since there is nothing to pass on to you today, I will just stop writing and sit back doing nothing! Have a good day!

            But before I sit back, let me say this;

            It was down to 71 degrees last night, that is the first time in several months, and it is supposed to only get up to 82 today. We better be looking for the coats and hooded sweat shirts, evidently summer is over.

            It rained, yes it was a blessed 1.25 inch rain. I could hear the grass and flowers along with the trees saying, “Thank Goodness”. It was so nice to have that rain.

            My present spouse and I went to brunch yesterday and we observed a child with a cell phone. You are right, that isn’t unusual. The thing that caught our attention was, this little boy may have been a year old. He was sitting in the child seat and he had his grandpa’s cell phone. The child was just holding and occasionally chewing on it. Grandpa took the cell phone away from the child as they were getting ready to leave. The little boy made a face that stated his feelings, he was not happy. Grandpa put the phone in his shirt pocket, picked the boy up and was leaving the restaurant. The little boy reached into the grandpa’s pocket and retrieved the cell phone. Phone in his hand and occasionally mouth, they left the building.

            We can’t even leave the cell phones alone, even our babies must have one.


            We have some work to do here at the homestead this week, getting ready for a remodel that starts next week. I hope the remodel is worth the effort.

            I told you I have nothing to write about.


Enjoy your day, knowing we are working!


Unpaid labor:  Don Ford  



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