
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Comfort in being close 09.11.18

               I would assume some of you would believe, being close to your spouse or special friend is a pleasant situation. You know, a warm hug from that special person, possibly a kiss or two, maybe someone says, “I love you”. Yes, that is for most of us, a pleasant situation.
            Let me continue, some of you do not have a human companion, but you have a lovable pet. The pets can be just as loving if not more so, and they do not have any verbal comments about what you say or do. Let’s hope any kissing is not on the mouth, and if it is don’t tell us!
            After working my tail off yesterday, I needed a little rest and alone time. What? I will tell you what we were doing! We were cleaning drawers and doors from a set of cabinets in preparation to stain and varnish them. It was not something one would do in a few minutes it was hours of continuous work. I hope that will be the last question until, or if, I open this article for questions.
            If you have reviewed the photo, you will notice that Molly has decided to stay close to her human, me! Molly is not normally a cat that wants to be closer that 5 to 10 feet from people. As you can see, for some reason she had decided to change her approach and get close. Before anyone asks, I keep a cap on my drink to keep bugs and other debris out of the glass. No she does not drink from my glass!
            I assume some of you know there is a hurricane heading for the east coast. We have family who lives very close to the water and they are making plans for the coming storm. Let’s all hope and pray that the storm weakens and is not as bad as they are predicting.
            We here in Hewitt need the rain, but not the kind that they will likely get.
Prepare and be safe, don’t get hurt!

Hard working senior: Don Ford


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