
Friday, April 28, 2017

Survey 04.28.17

                As I sat in my old recliner looking out the front door, I observed a strange pickup drive down our avenue. I immediately jumped to my feet and sprinted to the door. There were two strange persons sitting in the pickup, possibly deciding what they wanted to do. Were they there to look at the home, it is for sale, or were they there to break in to a house, that is empty?
                I continued to observe these two persons. Then it happened, they exited the pickup and walked to the house. They began to measure the house, which seemed a little odd to me but…
                The two returned to the pickup and retrieved some equipment. The older person walked to the far corner of the front yard and using a metal detector began to look for a metal rod. They were there to survey the property.
                I, being a social person and somewhat nosey, I watched until they came to the corner of my yard. I then walked out to greet them. The older fellow was again using his metal detector to find the stake that marks the corner of both properties. I said, 9.5 feet from the curb and he looked at me. That is correct, he said. He found the stake. I noted that the property went to the other side of the drainage ditch. The surveyor replied, no the stake is at the back of the fence on this side of the ditch.
                I said, you may be correct, but my property goes to the other side of the ditch. The surveyor said he would check his paper work. I gave him a little time and then I went to the back yard. I noticed that he was heading for the ditch, so I proceeded to the same area. He was measuring from the stake at the back of the fence. I asked him, do you need another 30 feet?  He said he needed 28.5 feet. I pointed across the ditch and said the stake use to be there.
                He found it right where I said it would be. Why don’t they come to me first, it would save them time.
                I thanked him for surveying my property line which verified that my fence was on the line.
                I saw our resident turtle who was sitting very still under the water. I did not get a photo.
                During the same time I reviewed the Ford’s black berry patch. A couple of the berries were red and the birds had eaten part of the red berries. Then I saw it! A baby bird, no feathers, on the ground! I carefully picked it up and placed it back in the nest. The nest was damaged and the baby began to fall out. I removed it from the nest and attempted a small repair. I then replaced the baby into the nest. I decided to get some string and attempt to secure the nest. During the repair work one of the parents was watching and commenting on my being there. Hopefully the nest will hold.

Ask me first, it will save time!

Don Ford

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chips 04.27.17 continued from 04.24.17

            Your government has now provided the safest method of using the credit system. Even if someone gets your chip code, they will not be able to use it because it must match with your face. Did your government finally do something right?
                The next step in this security process, provided by your government is, “Recall all money, and go to an all credit system”. Citizens are given one year to turn in all money. That includes coins and paper money. When you turn in your money, your government credits your account. The government requires all banks and companies that handle money including investment companies to send that information to them. From that point on, if you sell an investment or access your bank account, the transactions go through your government credit system helping you keep your credits safe.
                Your government helps you again by requiring your employer to send your pay to them. They credit your account, taking the necessary deductions from each pay period. You no longer have to go to the bank saving you time.
                Another outstanding part of your governments credit system is, you no longer have to fill out income tax forms. Your government’s computers review your credit account monthly, making any needed adjustment to your taxes and deductions. One less thing to worry about!
                Another excellent benefit of your government’s credit system, there is no more problems with immigrants. No one wants to come to your government’s country. Your government allows you to freely travel to other countries, but they will not allow you to convert your credits into foreign currency. The foreign country may send a billing request to your government, and the government will decide whether to pay it or not.
                At some point you decide that the government is not your government, but it is too late, you and all citizens should have taken a stand some time ago. 
                The government still provides food stamp credits, welfare credits and free medical care for the less fortunate. Each quarter the government reviews the cost of these giveaways and decides on a percentage needed to deduct from all credit accounts to cover the expenses. This is considered fair because they take the same percentage from everyone’s accounts. If they need half a percent to cover these expenses, they will deduct it from everyone’s account. That way a middle class person pays the same percentage as a rich person.
                All the government unions are now united into one! That one union is, “The Unified Government”!
                The Unified Government took charge of all the Government functions removing the need for elections. The Unified Government Union leader, took the place of The President. Union personnel were placed in positions such as, the Senate and House of Representatives.
                All these things occur because people did not want to get involved!
Get involved!
Don Ford

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Nothing to write about 04.26.17

                What does one do when they are sitting at their computer and have nothing to write about? I guess we will see what happens as this is the situation for me right now. I just don’t have anything to write about today, it is sprinkling rain outside so I can’t go for a walk, we all know that sugar will melt in the rain, and we all know how sweet I am so I would probably melt in the rain.
                Now that I think about it, my mother would not let me go outside when it was raining. I must have been so sweet as a child, that she was afraid that I would melt, if I went out in the rain. What a mom!
                I don’t have any projects for today, I did get all the limbs that were on the ground yesterday, cut up and placed on the trailer. I guess I could talk about being tired from working those limbs for the last two days but that is old news.
                My neighbor, who has been hit hard with allergies for quite a while, came over yesterday afternoon. He said he isn’t going back to the doctors anymore, as they have not helped him. We were able to sit outside for a while and enjoy a beverage, even though the pollen was floating around.
                Talking about allergies, I have a mask on right now. The mask helps keep me from breathing in the pollen, and when I don’t breathe in the allergens, my eyes do not itch. Early morning is one of the worst times for pollens, I don’t wear the mask all day.
                I could jump in the Ford’s Chevy and go to the coffee shop and get a cup of coffee. The problem with that would be, I would probably get a breakfast sandwich which tastes good, but I do not need the extra calories. NO, I can’t resist, if I go I get the sandwich, do not judge me! 
                I am back and the coffee is good. As one might expect there was a line at the drive through all around the coffee shop, but it went amazingly fast. They either had enough help or, everyone was ordering just a cup of coffee.
                How many of you have driven through a big city during rush hour? Well I live in Hewitt, not a big city, not even a big town, but we have more traffic during the rush hours than major cities. It seems as if everyone must drive through Hewitt to get to where they are going and that is just part of the problem.
                The Midway school system is another major part of the traffic. The Midway school system has built many schools in various areas of Hewitt and Woodway. I believe they did this so they would not have to provide bus service to the children in the area. They have a rule that is something like this, if you live within a mile of the school you will not get bus service. I believe the schools are strategically located to reduce the need for busses. When you have literally thousands of parents trying to take, or pick up, their children from the schools you also have traffic that rivals downtown New York City.  
                I would like to have a digital tire pressure gage but I hate to spend the money. I have two old manual air gages, one works good but one I have learned is way off. Why do they have to charge so much, when we all know that they mark everything up two to three hundred percent minimum.
                As I stated earlier, I have nothing to write about so, I will not write anything.
Have nothing to do, then rest all day!

Don Ford

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

X again 04.25.17

                For that one reader who remembers the photo of an X in the sky (signs in the sky), which I posted 09.16.14, I have observed another X. I can only assume it means one of two things, there is a fortune buried where the X is, or that the Ford’s Homestead is a holy site. Possibly the second is most likely.
                In the photo one can see the shadows on the ground, but would you believe, there was nothing above to make the shadows? Please ignore the white hose, as it has nothing to do with the X.
                On a different subject, as I was walking this morning, attempting to loosen my senior muscles from the work I had completed yesterday, and preparing myself for the work I will do today, there were several birds on the wire across the street where the white line has been established. I, being very observant, carefully negotiated the area of the white line, in an effort to not become part of the white line. I believe these birds were waiting on me to walk through this area. There have been several ineffective attempts, from some flying birds, to drop a bomb on my person as I walk. I have been lucky and have avoided these attempts.
                Unfortunately, there is the body of a new born baby bird lying on the pavement near the white line. I looked up to see where this baby had fallen from, but there was no limbs above its resting spot. I have no idea how this unfortunate chick arrive at this spot.
                Yesterday I attempted to remove a broken and hanging limb from a tree in the back yard, but I could not reach it with my 8 foot ladder and 16 foot pole saw.  I have been able to pull on the limb, but to no avail (that means it would not fall). Photo to follow, click to enlarge.
Since I could not get the broken limb down, I took my frustrations out on a couple other large limbs, and I unfortunately damaged the fence as one of the limbs fell onto it. I was able to butcher half of the limbs and place them on the trailer yesterday, (that is why my senior body is tired and hurting today), and I will attempt to make this senior body finish the second half of the limbs today. 

I hope I can get to the old rocking chair this afternoon,
with my diet coke!

Don Ford              


Monday, April 24, 2017

Tree limb hanging 04.24.17

                We are supposed to have good weather here today, so I need to get outside and act like I am working. There is a tree limb that is broken and hanging down, but I haven’t been able to get it down to the ground yet. It is very high in the tree.
                The black berries are starting to turn, one was red yesterday. I have the feeling they will all turn at about the same time.
                The mockingbird has babies in the nest located in the black berry vines, and it will be difficult to pick the berries without disturbing the birds.
Hope you have a safe and fun day!
Don Ford

Chips 04.24.17

                Chips use to be a TV show about motorcycle riding police on the left coast. The chips in this article has nothing to do with the left coast police.
                This soon to be well written article has to do with the kind of chips we put into our dogs and cats. It can also include the chips most of us have in our credit cards. The chips in the credit cards make it less likely someone will be able to steal our credit information. The chips in the dogs and cats make it easy to identify them and the owner which makes it more likely we will get a runaway animal back. These are all excellent uses of the chips!
                In about 3 years they will offer the safest way to use a credit card and that will be to insert the chip into ones hand. The chip in your hand will take the place of all the chips in your credit cards. One chip in the hand and you will no longer need to carry various credit cards. That is good news for those of us who have several credit cards!
                How does that work, they create one credit organization that communicates with all the other credit card companies. You go to a store and they scan your hand and you tell them which of your credit cards you want to use. It is so easy and simple almost everyone wants to do it, no more having your credit info stolen.
                The second stage of using the implanted chip is to also have a photo of the person. When you go to the store and you place your hand in the scanner you also look at a camera. The chip and the photo is compared in less than a second, and you are verified as yourself, you take your purchase and leave. This is easy, safe and no one can steal your ID, due to this simple little chip and your photo.   
                A couple years after the chip and photo implementation, the Government, who is the creator of this process for identifying you, steps out of the back ground and reveals that the Government is the creator of the identification organization! Did the government finally do something good for its citizens?
                The Government now requires every person (from new born babies who have no choice, to senior citizens who also have no choice) to have the chip implanted, and a recent photo on record.
                Consider all the ways your government’s chip and photo ID system, is now helping you! The chip now replaces all forms of identification such as driver’s license and even company IDs! If one wants to buy, sell, trade or work, they must have a chip and recent photo on record at the Government! Our school kids must also have the chip and recent photo or they can’t go to school.

This prediction could be right!
Don Ford

Friday, April 21, 2017

Better to Give... 04.21.17

Acts 20:35
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
            Notice the word, “more”, which indicates that it is both blessed to give and receive but more blessed to give.
            Let’s consider this for a moment. Why would it be more blessed to give? One does feel good when they are able to help someone either with actions or with a gift, but why.
            There is an older person attempting to load something heavy into their vehicle. Seeing        this you walk over and ask if you can help. Together you are able to get the item   loaded         into their vehicle. The older person is thankful for your help and possibly feels   blessed that someone would help. You haven’t done anything spectacular but you feel           very good (blessed) that you could help.
            For most people directly helping someone in need, is the right thing to do! It makes one feel good to help someone, or give something to someone, expecting nothing in return! Why? I don’t have an answer other than, it is the right thing to do!
            Who is needy? How do you know if someone is truly needy, or, is this person someone who would rather beg for money and not work? It is my belief that truly needy people most often do not stand at a corner with a sign stating, “Homeless”. Truly needy people are looking for a job not begging for change. 
            A store owner told me about two men who beg at a corner not far from his store. He said, “They stand at a corner a couple blocks away from his store with their sign begging. When they get enough change they get into their old truck and drive to his liquor store and buy a bottle.” What irritates him is they do this a couple times each day, and they always pay with a hand full of change.
            Different story.
            I had eaten lunch and was sitting in my truck, waiting for my wife when this beggar came up. His story was, “I am out of gas and out of money, my wife and kids are in my car (he pointed at a car with a female and kids in it) and I need money to get back to Dallas”. I was not believing this beggar, as I had heard the out of gas story from another beggar in the past. Being a dummy I mean good person, I gave him $20.00. I said, as I handed him the money, “If you really need this money I hope god blesses you, if not I hope he punishes you!”
            Two weeks later my wife and I were coming out of a different restaurant when this same man approached me with the same story. I said I know you! I turned and went inside and told the manager of the beggar on the lot. The manager came out and run him off.
            There was another time when I was sitting in my truck again waiting on the wife, when a person approached me saying, “I really need a cup of coffee, could you give me a couple bucks”? I gave the fellow two dollars, he thanked me and I watched him walk away. He went directly to the Burger place and went inside. He came back out a couple minutes later with what appeared to be a cup of coffee in his hand. Was he a beggar, a needy person or both? I don’t know but he got his coffee.
            Different subject.
            Although it is often necessary, giving to a charity does not necessarily provide the same good feeling as that of giving directly to the needy. Some charitable organizations are truly charitable, others are not so charitable, choose wisely!
            Some individuals may donate in an effort to be seen as charitable, wanting others to see how benevolent they are!
            In the bible there is a passage (Mathew 6:6) and I paraphrase, don’t pray in public in an effort to be seen as a righteous person, go into your closet and close the door. I believe that applies to giving to, and helping others. Give or help others not for your glorification, and you will be blessed. 
            It is my belief that the government should not be in the charity business. It is my opinion that Governments seldom do anything right, they should not be providing food stamps, welfare checks, cell phones and so on. 
            Churches and church organizations should be in the charity business, but all too often churches are more interested in building a new building, acquiring more property, being seen as the largest or most beautiful church in the area.

            It does make one feel good to help or give to others when one is not expecting anything in return! Give or help when you can!

Don Ford

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What's the story about April 2017?

What’s the story about? April 2017
                That is a good question!
                I had begun posting chapters of this story one chapter at a time. Later I replaced the chapter postings with two postings. One posting is the first part of the story (10 chapters) and the second posting is titled simply, “Part Two”, (8 chapters).
                In the beginning the story is about nerds who were involved in science and computers. They lived on a planet similar to earth. All beings on that planet had red hair and green eyes. There planet had no moon, with 50% water and 50% land. Their vehicles did not need, or have wheels.
                They did not believe in an all knowing being, they had no Gods. There is a chosen one in the story, and a vision of a golden stairway to the sky. There are spirits in this story but no life after death.
                There is the death of the president.  Comments about the Government, each person was forced to have an ID the government tracked everything, one could not buy sell or trade without the ID. The government’s computer system is known as the Beast, the IDs were known as the mark of the beast. The government has access to all cameras and continually monitored the inhabitants.
                There are black holes in this story, and the story explains how our universe was formed and how God came into existence.             
                Would you believe that everything in this story is true?

Don Ford

Hair 04.20.17

                I need to get my hair cut. As I understand it, Thursday is the best day as the stylist I frequent, have fewer customers on Thursday.

                I have been saving since my last haircut, what little money I can find. Those of us on a fixed income find it difficult to get the necessary funding for necessities like haircuts. I would ask each of you to begin to toss out aluminum cans as you drive, so we who are on a fixed income can increase our incomes!

                What is the plural of hair, it is hairs. But we don’t say I am going to get a hairs cut. We could say I am going to get my hairs cut, but that would sound kind of dumb. What if someone said, “Look at that girl, her blond hairs are pretty”? 

                I hope the stylists cuts all my hairs and not just my hair. Now that we have brought that up, I do have a single hair, that is, “one hair”, which grows on my nose. So If I say I want a haircut she might cut the one hair on my nose and charge me for a, “Hair cut”.

                Why can men grow more hairs, on and in, their ears, than on the bald spot on their head? I remember my grandpa the Rev. Bede Wyatt, (I am not sure how to spell his first name) had hair growing out of his ears. I guess that old people 60 years ago did not care about the hair in their ears. One thing for sure, a fly or gnat would not fly into his ears. 

                Who decided how to spell gnat? I bet it was someone who has a doctorate in bugology. This person probably was smoking some of that Mary Jane stuff, when he came up with that spelling. They should always check with the staff here at the Ford Homestead before they decide how to spell anything! 


Gota go get my hairs cut!

                “Gota”, is an acceptable word, which I learned years ago in Missouri!

Don Ford

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tired from labor 04.18.17

                As usual, when work is to be performed here at the Ford Homestead, the grounds Manager is nowhere to be found.
                It was a Monday, there was a forecast of rain for the day. There was some dead wood in the trees in the front yard and I was determined to remove the unwanted wood. Some of you may know, when this wood butcher gets started, the focus of dead wood often expands to live wood.
                In an attempt to keep this wonderful story which is mostly about me, short, I will skip some of the details like, how many times I had to climb the ladder, or the fact that I was using a manual 16 foot pole saw. I will spare you the detail that I started about 9:00am and did not finish until after 4:30PM, or that I did take time for a short lunch of leftovers from the Easter Sunday Meal which was real good, or that I had a brief nap after lunch. I don’t want to explain that all the limbs that were cut in the front yard had to be manually pulled to the back yard or the fact that my 7 year old grandson help me pull them back there. I refuse to go into the details of how I cut the limbs in to smaller units as I placed them on the trailer and the fact that I walked the entire front and back yard pulling the Ford’s Old Red Wagon while I picked up all the debris left from the limbs or that I put all the debris into the trash container. I will not explain that I had to put all the tools away at the end of the day.
                I just think it is better to leave those boring details out of this informative and I should say interesting article. Before anyone asks, I am tired today, I am sore in many areas of my senior citizens body.
                No one cared that I was tired from all the labors, not even Molly. As you may be able to see, she had assumed her position on the table next to the old Ford’s rocker. I explained that I was tired from all the work, she looked away and stuck her tong out (click to enlarge).  Yes there is a Texas flag in the back ground, yes I had clean clothes on as I had taken a shower.  Molly is not a lap cat, but she will jump on the table in an effort to get petted.

May your work be appreciated!

Don Ford

Monday, April 17, 2017

Yes he is dead 04.17.17

                The photo below says it all.
That puppy is dead tired laying in our Jasmin plants.
                I was mowing Friday afternoon when I was approached by three dogs, one of which was this puppy. He had two small accomplices with him. They came up to me as if they knew me and followed me around as I mowed. After a while the two smaller dogs vanished and this puppy stayed.
                I completed mowing and he was still here. I went into the garage and removed my dirty clothes. I went into the house to take a shower. Later when I returned to the garage I noticed one of my shoes was missing. I naturally assume that the puppy had taken it. I went to the front porch and there laying in the Jasmin was my shoe and a puppy dead, asleep.
                Later in the day, a lady in a pickup truck was observed driving very slowly down the street. I instinctively knew she was looking for a dog. I learned that the puppy was named Buddy and was a golden retriever. The other two escapees’ were her neighbor’s dogs. I told her he had been here but had left. She continued up the street in search of the puppies.
                Later I saw her drive by on her way home and she waved, so I assume she had found Buddy.

That’s my story and I am sticking with it!

Don Ford

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Yes he is dead 04.17.17

                The photo below says it all.
That puppy is dead tired laying in our Jasmin plants.
                I was mowing Friday afternoon when I was approached by three dogs, one of which was this puppy. He had two small accomplices with him. They came up to me as if they knew me and followed me around as I mowed. After a while the two smaller dogs vanished and this puppy stayed.
                I completed mowing and he was still here. I went into the garage and removed my dirty clothes. I went into the house to take a shower. Later when I returned to the garage I noticed one of my shoes was missing. I naturally assume that the puppy had taken it. I went to the front porch and there laying in the Jasmin was my shoe and a puppy dead, asleep.
                Later in the day, a lady in a pickup truck was observed driving very slowly down the street. I instinctively knew she was looking for a dog. I learned that the puppy was named Buddy and was a golden retriever. The other two escapees’ were her neighbor’s dogs. I told her he had been here but had left. She continued up the street in search of the puppies.
                Later I saw her drive by on her way home and she waved, so I assume she had found Buddy.

That’s my story and I am sticking with it!

Don Ford

Friday, April 14, 2017

On my knees again 04.14.17

I have been pulling small oak trees out of the ground in my front yard.
I have filled three buckets with these seedling oak trees, and the attached acorns. In the photo below we see four of these seedling oaks. An inquisitive person might ask, “How many were there and did you get them all?” There were hundreds and no I did not get them all. The three, two gallon buckets represented about half of the crop. 
            Since I am a good student as long as I don’t have to read the instructions, I learned I was able to get the entire seedling and root system most of the time when I used a circular motion as I pulled upward. I also observed, “When I pull them with my right hand I made a counterclockwise circular motion, when using my left hand it was just the opposite motion, which is clockwise for the one reader who has difficulty comprehending. I crawled around about half of the front yard in this endeavor. Yep, my fingers are sore.
            During this endeavor I learned, if you want to talk to your neighbors one should get on their hands and knees in the front yard. Neighbors for some reason have a need to talk, when you are trying to work. Sit outside in the old rocker and they will never stop to talk, all you get is a wave.

                Changing the subject:

                My previous posting was titled red line in the sand and it was about a white line on the road caused by bird droppings. Now if you did not read that wonderful posting you know what it was about and you don’t need to go back and read it.
            This morning as I was beginning my morning walk, I observed another white line on the street. This white line was not cause by bird droppings. It must have been placed there by a higher authority. Could it have been placed there in an effort to keep me focused when I walk? This white line went all the way down the street, directing my attention to the red diamond sign I focus on when I walk. Click to enlarge.
            When I reached the end of the block there was another white line on the other side of the street directing me back up the street. This same white line directed me down Arkansas Street helping me keep my focus on the air conditioner next to the house at the end of the block. When I turned at the end of Arkansas and started back toward the Homestead, there was a white line directing me back to the starting point. Does it seem like the force is strong with me!
            There was an unusual event that occurred in Hewitt yesterday. As I was on my hands and knees, praying to a higher authority, asking that all these oak seedlings would miraculously be removed from my yard, a street sweeper came up and down our street. This street sweeper is a large truck with a very big vacuum on it. It cleaned the streets very nicely. After the street sweeper had cleaned the streets, that is when the white line appeared. Would you believe the sweeper cleaned the dust and dirt off the street exposing the white line left by a higher authority?
            I guess it is possible the sweeper made the white line as it drove up and down the street.

Have a good Easter, and consider the true meaning of Easter!

Don Ford

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Red line in the sand 04.13.17

                Have you heard about a red line being drawn? If not you have not watched any TV in many months. It is said that one of the so called leaders of the US drew a red line and then turned his back when the line was crossed. 
                Well this soon to be, “well written article”, has nothing to do with a red line! I thought of the title this morning as I was engaging in the morning stroll. I was heading east on Arkansas street when I observed a white line across the street. This white line had not been place there by any city worker. To be totally truthful, no human was involved in the placement of this white line!
                Before I receive the inevitable questions, allow me to continue please!
                I just went to the Ford’s kitchen and made a cup of coffee, and there were Blue Berry Muffins. I was told these muffins had no added sugar. I was also told by my spouse of 48 years, the muffins are all natural. I explained to her, “I am all natural, does that make me desirable”? I got that look from my first wife, you know the look that says without words, “I can’t believe you said that”.
                I digress: now allow me to continue please!
                The white line is all the way across the street. It is not a solid white line but it can be easily seen. This line is located directly under a power line that crosses the street. Now you know how the white line got there.
                What?    Come on!              Anyone should be able to understand, all the bird sit on the power line and they relieve themselves! Hold on, for that one reader let me explain, relieve themselves means, “they poop”, and it falls on the street making a white line across the street.
                   That is it from the Ford Homestead.

May there be no white lines in your life!

Don Ford

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Drone it 04.11.17

                Having little to do yesterday, after cutting more limbs and placing them on the Ford’s Old Trailer, I decided to get the drone out for a little retired senior fun time!
                Retrieving the unit, it occurred to me that it would not take photos or videos and save them to the SD card! I had never tried to view the flight or send a photo or video to the somewhat smart phone!
                I then downloaded the app and began the learning process. To my surprise, old people are not like old dogs, we can learn new things!
                I have worked with the drone here in the Ford’s Old Office area (it began to rain yesterday just as I was getting ready to go outside) and have taken a few photos along with videos. I can also view everything the camera sees on the somewhat smart phone.
                It is still raining and, we received over 2.5 inches last night. “Rain, rain go away, little Donnie wants to play!
 click to enlarge.
                Before the critics can get started, I will attempt to explain what is in this photo.
                First: I said I had been working and that is why the jeans are dirty.
                Second: Do not look at the fat belly, I forgot to suck it in.
                Third: I am not getting ready to make a gesture with a finger, I am moving the hand as I take several           photos and the hand in different positions make the photos different.
                Fourth: The drone was on a shelf sitting still, the control is in my right hand. 
If it ever stops raining I will try to get photos from the drone while flying.

May the rain not dampen your fun time!

Don Ford

Monday, April 10, 2017

Fixed income blues 04.10.17

                As you should know, we here at the Ford Homestead are retired and on a fixed income. The fixed income does not help when ones expenses are not fixed. For anyone who feels sorry for us, you may go to the web site to donate. 
                “Why are we talking about money”, he asked. The response was, “we needed a small table to sit near the Ford’s Old Rocker”.
                Yes, the old small table that has been positioned near the old rocker was breaking up due to the sun having shined on it for a few years now. Plastic does not do well in the sun. Our in house carpenter was on vacation, so the task of creating a new small table fell to me. Now we all know I am a good wood butcher, but I am less skilled at creating usable items from wood. Yes I have built several wooden chests which are still in service, but this project would be different due to the fixed income.
                I walked around the property looking for any scrap wood I may have available to build a small, yet usable table. In the following photo you will see an old piece of scrap wood, that came from and old porch swing that we had purchased over a quarter century ago. When the swing become un-usable, I removed the slats.  These slats which are Cypress, have been tied in a bundle laying outside for many years.
                If my memory serves me, which it does, I made dominos out of some of these slats in years past. 
                As one may be able to see, the old wood would need some sanding to remove the weathered exterior. I did have to waste valuable resources to purchase some screws, which would hold the small table together. I founds some left over white paint, so I did not need to expend more income on this small table.
                The completed project was introduced yesterday afternoon when I sat the Ford’s old tablet on it, while I rocked in the Ford’s old rocker.
                Different subject, I examined the black berry vines yesterday, and the bird has almost completed its nest, although that is not the news. If all those Green berries turn ripe at once, we will be over loaded with black berries. It appears to be a bumper crop coming our way.
May your day be filled with happiness!

Don Ford

Friday, April 7, 2017

Black is beautiful 04.07.17

                As we all have heard, “Black is beautiful” and I am one of those who agrees. I would ask a thoughtful question, “How do we get to Black, and how long does it take to become Black?” Please consider that question as I provide other information.
                It was a calm day here in Hewitt yesterday, and a calm day allows a retired senior an opportunity to cut some tree limbs. This senior will not try to trim trees on windy days as the limbs are moving back and forth continually. When I am sitting on the top of an eight foot ladder looking up at the limbs moving all around, I get the same filling that some people get when they are on a boat in the ocean, dizzy feeling. Also when the wind is blowing it can send the saw dust into a senior’s eyes.
                I was able to cut several limbs that I was wanting to get down for a long time. Imagine if you will, a physically fit senior (or me) sitting on top of the 8 foot step ladder (I feel very secure sitting) using a 16 foot pole saw to cut limbs that are 24 to 26 feet above the ground.
                The bad part to this process is after the limbs are on the ground, they must then be cut up and taken to the Ford’s trailer.
                Would you believe, the CEO told me to water the flowers and garden after all the wood butchering I had already done, she did! While watering, I was able to capture a photo which takes me back to the title topic of this fine article.
                “Black is beautiful”, and so is Green! I am unsure how Green turns into Black or how long it takes. In the professional photo below, one can see the Green berries which are the beginning of Black Berries! Click to enlarge.
                Today, our grounds manager has been instructed to manicure the Ford Homestead’s Lawn. We are finally getting him to do some work!

Be nice to your Grounds Managers!

Don Ford