
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Survival 11.16.17

            As usual, I have been thinking about many things, and one of those things is, “Can America Survive”.  The answer is, “no”, at least not as we have known it in previous decades.

As civilization advances, “We the people”, allow the so called leaders (career politicians and many others in various so called leadership positions) attempt to have all things politically correct. These same leaders put various programs into effect and they are able to get many of us to go along with them by saying, we are helping the needy and unfortunate

There is a big difference between helping, “The needy”, and, “Allowing someone to live on welfare, food stamps, free housing, free lunches and other giveaways”.

One should not receive any thing that they, or their employer, did not contribute to.

Where should the needy get help from? They should get help from a family member or friend, a church or other non-governmental charity! Good people donate to, good charities and there churches.

Unfortunately, governments are necessary, and all governments eventually get into the personal lives of those who are governed. Governments that have the same career politicians in office term after term, end up with a, “too large bureaucracy”. These career politicians must take care of their donors. Also, these same career politicians understand that the more government workers there are, the more votes they will have.   

            Government provided welfare, for people who are having problems, usually start with good intentions but, that changes with time as people learn to use and abuse the system.

Those who work in the government, administering welfare, want to keep their job, so they do all they can, to get and keep, more people on the welfare rolls.

            How do we get away from welfare, we can’t! It will continue, it will get bigger, it will bankrupt the country.

            What was your country, will be taken over by a, “World Organization!”  The World Organization will have solutions to the country’s problems. The leader of the World Organization is the greatest leader ever!

            This person is able to pull all the political parties together, not only in the United States, but several other countries! His name I don’t have, but he will be known at a later date as, “The Anti-Christ”. He will also be referred to as, “The Beast”, you should check the Bible. 


      Get involved as much as you can, at least open your mouth and be heard, Get rid of Career politicians, set term limits!

Don Ford

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