
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Time change 11.08.17

                Many have questioned the reason for the day light saving time, time change. The original reason was stupid and still is. I do not want to talk bad about the author of this stupid idea, even though it was stupid.

                I would note that the time change upsets many, if not most, each time it occurs. Here at, “The Ford Homestead for the study of things that upset others”,  we have learned that messing up the humans daily habits such as but not limited to, going to bed and getting up from bed, along with taking of naps, is not the only instances of disruption that occur.

                Our studies have shown that Dogs (Tres) and cats (Charlie and Molly) are not happy with these changes. The Tres and I along with the two cats have been getting out of bad at 5:00am each morning. Now that Your Government has seen fit to move the clocks back one hour we have been getting up at 4:00am.

                I too am waking up at 4:00am, but I could force myself to stay in bed until 5:00, if it weren’t for the animals. They both make noise and move around in an effort to alert me that it is time to rise and shine.

                There is another part to this problem. If one’s spouse were to be woken by the animals at 4:00am, and if ones spouse were to get out of bed to go to the privy, and if someone being up, energize the animal’s, then it would make it more difficult to get the animal’s to settle down. All this has a tendency to cause me to exit the Ford’s old Bed and stay up. Not a happy situation. 

                How do I convert all of us to the regular time?

                Update! This morning, Wednesday 8th, 2017, my spouse did not exit the bed at 4:00am, Tres and Charlie did not make any noise. We stayed in our beds until 4:45am, progress is being made! Maybe tomorrow we will go to 5:00am!

                Monday it was 86 sweaty degrees. It was way too hot for a November day! Tuesday morning when I awoke at 4:00am it was 71 degrees in the city of Waco. At least that is what the weather prognosticators were saying. They also noted that 71 would be the high for the day, and it would cool down as the day progresses. It did! They have also predicted some much needed rain on Wednesday (In an effort to not confuse that one reader, I am writing this on Tuesday, and editing it on Wednesday) we need the rain in the worst way.

                It is so dry and dusty that I would need to vacuum the grass before I mow, if it don’t rain. Some of you know, I have had the shop-vac in the front yard vacuuming in the past. Yes some of the neighbors believe that I am a little, no, a lot silly! Big deal, heck if you can’t have fun don’t do it!

                No, I wasn’t vacuuming dust off the grass, even though I told the neighbor I was, I was vacuuming up acorns. Now that I bring that up, I should get the vacuum out and get after the acorns.

                Today I swept the acorns off the walk and out into the street up against the curb. I am banking on a good rain tomorrow and if so it will wash the acorns away. Nope, you are not supposed to do that, and there is an ordinance against it, known as littering. I guess I will be hauled away to jail.

May all your silliness be in fun!

Don Ford


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