
Monday, November 20, 2017

Bah humbug 11.20.17

                Possibly, I should have titled this tale, “A Ford Homestead Tradition”. The Christmas Decoration Manager here at the Homestead is a Female, and we all know how demanding a “Female Manager” can be! In case you have not yet guessed, this Female Manager is my spouse of more than 20 years! When I say more than 20 years, I mean, way more than 20 years!
                The tradition I am speaking of is, the placing of the Christmas decorations outside the Homestead, the week of Thanksgiving. One of the most devastating things that happens on the day of installation, the temperature usually drops to a point of great irritation, and or the wind picks up to make it feel even colder. Today is that day and it is 33 degrees this morning!
                This past Saturday I was “ordered” to bring the decorations from the Ford’s old shed, to the Ford’s old garage, which I did. Knowing the huge number of trips I would need to make, if I used the Ford’s Old red wagon, I decided to use the Ford’s old black trailer. That decision meant, I needed to haul off the limbs that were already on the trailer, and I had a couple bags of leaves to take also. Since I was going to the dump, I decided to check with our youngest son to see if he had anything for the dump. He did, so I drove to their home and collected said articles and then headed for the dump site.
                After hours of driving, I was able to get rid of the limbs and trash and made it back home safely (it really took only about 20 minutes to get our limbs and trash along with Dave’s trash, and have everything dumped, and return home. It sounds as if I had to work harder if it took hours)!
                I, being an excellent Trailer Backer Upper, was able to back the trailer up to the door of the Ford’s Old Shed (it’s a skill)! I first had to remove several items to get to the Christmas Decorations. Then, being a well-trained trailer loader, I began the process. Several hours later, (about 30 minutes in real time) I had the trailer loaded and ready to move to the Garage. Photo below, click to enlarge.
                I then, without help, unloaded the trailer into the Garage. I segregated the items by type, and allowed for room to walk around, and between each area.
                The Christmas Decorations Manager, then began the task of putting the decorations together and checking to see if the lights all worked, they didn’t! The Christmas Decorations Manager was not as organized as I would have liked, (Photo to follow) but we are not reducing her wage.

                Saturday, I had planned to clean up the front yard and use the mower to vacuum up the leaves. The wind was blowing like crazy, I mean real crazy, 35 to 40 mph gusts! No yard work other than picking up the limbs as they fell. Also, I had previously raked up acorns from to areas of the yard which equaled about half the yard, those areas are again covered with millions of acorns and acorn hats, and I am not exaggerating.
                I have an idea for an acorn rake, the normal rakes I have, just don’t work, but I haven’t yet propose the idea to the rake maker!
                Sunday came, and after a trip to the Cracker Barrel, then a trip to the pet supply store, and then to the harbor freight, we returned home. I wanted to get started on mowing the front yard. I brought the mower along with other tools to the front, I raked the leaves away from the flower beds, making them easier to shred and vacuum up. I started mowing, when I discovered something I had joked about in a previous posting, was actually true. I had stated that I needed to vacuum the dust from the grass before I mowed, it was very dusty and made mowing, not so fun!
                All went well for a while, but then the neighbors came out. Mom and the three kids were in their drive way right next to where I needed to mow. No way will I mow when there are kids around. I was able to mow the biggest portion of the yard, but not that portion next to their drive.
                I mowed all I could, then what can I do. I could use the weed eater and edge a large portion of the yard again not the portion next to their drive way. Trimming complete, what to do now? I had some leaves and acorns in the street, so I got a broom and started sweeping them up. As I was sweeping the street the neighbor and her children went for a walk up the street.
                I grabbed the mower and finished mowing. I was not able to finish edging, as they returned from their walk too soon. After sweeping the street, I grabbed the leaf blower and blew our drive, the street and our side walk. Some edging went undone, but the yard looked good, see photo below!

                Not bad for a senior retired person. I would like to note, as soon as I had completed my work the neighbor lady and her children went inside. Do you think she likes to watch an old senior person, work?
                I took a few minutes and sat on the Ford’s old rocker with a beverage. I noticed that there was absolutely no wind, not a leaf was moving on any tree, and there was no noise, it was totally quiet! It was so nice to sit in the quiet and rest, what a wonderful way to end a day!
Today is Monday, we are supposed to start installing the decorations in the front of the homestead. L

May your neighbors be more observant!

Don Ford

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