
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Liberals on the Left, Conservatives on the Right

            We have gotten a few more pecans from our little tree.
            There is of course a photo to show the difference between pecans from, “The Ford Homestead”, and a neighbor’s yard.  You may observe that the pecans from “The Ford Homestead” are far superior in size and quality. 
I found it interesting that the (lesser in size) pecans from the neighbor’s yard, lined up for the photo on the left, while the larger and superior pecans lined up on the right.
I feel it important that I tell you a squirrel did get one of the superior pecans and he/she only ate about a third of the nut.
            We are attempting to save the pecans as they fall from the tree and hopefully we will have a pecan pie later this year.
            On a different subject; it has rained in Hewitt Texas this week. My rain gage indicated that we receive 3.90 inches.  Yes almost 4 inches in less than 24 hours. There was water standing in the back yard from 2 to 3 inches deep during the rain but this morning it had soaked into the ground.
            The temp has dropped into the 60s Sunday Morning which made most of us feel very happy.
From the “Not Always Right But Never Left” mind of        Don Ford.
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