
Thursday, September 27, 2012


Socialist: one who advocates or practices socialism.
Socialism refers to a political movement that envisions a socio-economic system in which the ownership of industry and the assignment of jobs along with the distribution of goods or property is under the control of the government or central committee.
                I believe, “We the People” are unfortunately but often willingly, moving toward a Socialist State.
               It is not just this president or the upcoming election that will determine our future. It is literally, “We the People” that must make a difference. We cannot sit back and let others make our decision for us. We, you and I, must get involved in politics from our local government to the federal government.
Standup for your beliefs’, tell others what you believe and why.
It is ok to be a follower but know who and why you are following.
You and I must vote.
From the concerned mind of                       Don Ford
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