We would like to wish each of you a good morning, and we hope it turns into a good day.
My favorite wife has been cooking the meat for the tamales, and at some point, she will begin to manufacture the tamales. Now I like the tamales and I also like tamale soup. My favorite wife has also been making some cookies and banana bread, I got to try the banana bread this morning and it is good. If you don't know what banana bread is, it is made in small loaf like bread, but it is a cake that has bananas blended in it.
I did nothing yesterday, well I did remove a few more acorns from the yard, and we did go to Alex's freshmen football game. I think I had stated earlier that this was the last one for this year. They won the game; I think the score was 26 to 0. We arrived home after the game at 6:20 and it was dark. Yep, it gets dark earlier now that the time has changed, I am starting to get use to the time change but not totally use to it yet.
Sitting outside in the afternoon will likely be for shorter periods of time due to the early darkness. I assume that winter will be here before long and that also will limit our time sitting outside. Wow what will my favorite wife and I do when it gets cold?
Big plans for today would be to go outside and look for some things to do in the yard if we don't get the rain that they are predicting. There are weeds that need to be removed, I need to relocate the big moon plant. It has blown over two times now, and I plan to position its pot in a flower bed and not put it on the heavy wooded stool. Maybe being lower to the ground there will be less possibility of it blowing over.
Well, I need to get going, so we wish you a good day and please stay safe in all you do.
Yard work. 😐
Senior ole person who might be too old to work in the yard, Don the Ford 😊
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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