
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Leaf 12.05.2019

            Ok, I don’t have anything special to write about today, and I am not going to explain that I cleaned all the leaves up that were along the curb yesterday. There is no use in presenting that type info to you, I know it is boring. I suggest that you stop reading this right now and go do something productive!
            Wow, everyone left but you and you are still here. Possibly you need to get a good hobby or start doing your job, reading these posts are not going to make you any money, and sitting around reading things like this means you are not getting any exercise. Obviously, reading is not good for you!
            OK, since there is still one person reading this, I will try to keep it short so you have time to do something productive.
            My wife allowed me to do something that was just a waste of time. She said I could sweep the leaves from the front porch and side walk. She enjoys allowing me to do things that mean nothing. I procured a broom and went to work. As I was strenuously pushing and pulling that broom, my back and arms were hurting, there were tears welling up in my ole eyes, and that is when I came up with the topic for this article.             The topic is, “Leaf”. 
            I do understand that most of you will not understand at least a part of this soon to be, wonderful article. Before that one person asks, most of you have servants doing all your work for you, and as such you have never experienced the problem that I have.
            What, you say you don’t have servants? Who mows your yard, who brings you food at a restaurant, who cleans you house weekly? You have servants, and that is why you have never swept leaves.
            I have swept leaves many times in my life, and every time I swept them, there is always one leaf that your broom can not move. You sweep over this leaf and it just lays there while all the others are moving. For some reason this leaf becomes a challenge to you and your broom. You sweep over this leaf and it don’t move, then you sweep the other direction, but nothing happens. Now that you are livid you take your foot and kick at the leaf. The first kick missed and you try a second time but you kick harder.             It moves, but you are not happy because, you have just spent 4.5 minutes with this one leaf and you still don’t know why you could not sweep it.
            Leaf. There is another type leaf and I wonder who named it. For those of you, “Well to do people”, you likely have a dining table that has a leaf or two in it. Who decided to call a piece of wood a leaf? That wooden leaf name is so dumb, one might think I helped name it.
            There is a leaflet, which is a printed sheet of paper, sometimes folded, containing information or advertising and usually distributed free. Why did they put Leaf in leaflet?
            Just to let you know, if you look up leaflet, there are other meanings.

            Anyway, as I said, I don’t have anything special to wright about, so I am just going to get a cup of coffee and sit around, although I could move all the boxes and other decoration items back to the shed, but that sounds like work, and this ole body needs the rest.

Get a hobby, do your job, stop reading blogs!

Senior word analyst; Don Ford

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