
Monday, December 23, 2019

Art work 12/23/2019

               I have had a small art project going for a couple days and I have a photo. I decided to take a piece of old wood and drew an outline of the state of Texas on it. Then I did some scraping and removed the old wood from the inside the Texas outline. I have one coat of a varnish like sealer on the project. Photo of the unfinished item is available, click to adore.
            When you are retired and on a fixed income, you must use what’s available to create art work. I was going to use that for a Christmas gift, but I think I will keep it for myself. I am fairly sure I will not get anything else for Christmas, I haven’t been very good this year, and Santa put my name on his naughty list.
            The above art work may be worth 1.2 million dollars. Why would I say that? Someone purchased a banana that was taped to a wall for a bunch of money, so I should be able to get 1.2 million for this piece of an ole log.
            I have another idea to put on a junk piece of wood, but I will keep that to myself unless it looks ok, then I will share it. I hope I have another piece cut from a log, being on a fixed income I can’t afford to pay for wood. Also, the wood needs to be weathered until it turns dark, so it can’t be fresh cut.

            My present spouse took a tray of cookies and other sweets to the neighbor last evening. The wife of the couple who lives there is fighting cancer. When my spouse of half a century rang the doorbell the husband yelled out, “WHO’S THERE”! My first wife stated her name, and they opened the door. Evidently, when they returned home earlier, the back door was open. They were robbed about a year ago and they thought it may have happened again. They said nothing was missing this time.
            During their conversation pecans came up. Donna told them of the Nuti Budi pecan cracker. They have three pecan trees and they are now interested in the Nuti Budi.
            I cracked a bunch of pecans yesterday, now I need to get the shells off those pecans so they can be used. Never a restful minute for a retired senior person.

Enjoy Christmas!      

Nap-less senior retired person; Don Ford     

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