
Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas star 12/20/2019

               I have a photo, it is mostly black, if you look close you may see the Fords ole hot house, but that is not what this short but professional article is about. I have been seeing this star or possibly planet in the sky at night, and I decided to try and get a photo, click to enlarge.
            So is it the Christmas star? If it is, and if we follow it, we will head out into west Texas.

            My wife and I have some real nice friends! Donna had told these friends of an item I wanted, (could be a Christmas present) during lunch Thursday. Later in the day, four of those friends arrived at our house with the item, and gave it to Donna. There are good people in this world!
            The only problem, if there is a problem, the gift I wanted was given to Donna. Will she let me use it? 

Be thankful for your friends!

Senior friendly retired person; Don Ford

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